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WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554`(#(#3  1yx dddhy  aE@ #6\  P6Q?P#News media information 202/4180500 FaxOnDemand 202/4182830 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov ftp.fcc.gov  Sz0q` `  hh,Rppw  #&J\  P6QgP&P#DA 981895><%lcorrected#C\  P6Q/P#>  S #&J\  P6QgP&P#q` `  hh,Rppw   xx (#(#3 S q` `  hh,RppwReleased: September 28, 1998 <%l   S{ 0W AVAILABILITY OF LOCALLY MAINTAINED RECORDS FOR INSPECTION BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ?K  SI0 In light of our recent modifications to the main studio and public inspection file rules in the Report and  S0 Order in MM Docket No. 97138, FCC 98175 (August 11, 1998), we take this opportunity to reissue the  statement the FCC made in 1971 regarding the availability of locally maintained records for inspection  S0 `by members of the public. See Public Notice dated February 23, 1971, 28 FCC 2d 71 (1971). The  S0 availability of these materials is important given that, in recent years, the FCC has increasingly come to  rely on the involvement and scrutiny by members of the public to monitor broadcast licensee performance.  S0See Deregulation of Radio, 84 FCC 2d 968, 1011 (1981).  With our recent decision to give stations greater flexibility about where to locate their main studios, and  to drop our requirement that a station's public file be in its community of license, it is appropriate to  remind licensees, permittees, and applicants of their duty to afford ready access to the public file. Thus,  a station may not require that a member of the public make an appointment in advance or return at  another time to inspect the public file, or that members of the public examine the public file only at times  0most convenient to the licensee or its staff. We also remind all licensees, permittees and applicants that  `while they may require personal identification (names and addresses) of members of the public visiting  the station, public file records are to be provided to them on request and without requiring that they  S0 identify their organization. See WBRN, Inc., 32 FCC 2d 729 (1971). Finally, as we have in the past, we  encourage stations to set aside an area with a table at which the public may inspect public file materials.  S0 Public Notice, 28 FCC 2d at 7172. This Public Notice is simply to reiterate the points made in the 1971  Public Notice concerning a licensee's obligation to ensure access to its public file to members of the  public visiting a station in person; these obligations are separate and apart from the Commission's recently  0adopted requirements regarding the provision of certain information and materials to members of the  S 0 @public who make telephone requests for public file documents. Report and Order in MM Docket No. 97138, FCC 98175, at 2426.