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DRAFT ONHeader A Text = DRAFT and Date4 X =8` (#FDRAFTă r  ` (#=D3 1, 43 12pt (Z)(PC-8))T2Dă  ӟ2J5G6X3H71H81IDRAFT OFFTurn Draft Style off5@@    HEADERHeader A - Appearance6LETTER LANDLetter Landscape - 11 x 8.57 3'3'Standard'3'3StandardLetter Portrait - 8.5 x 11 ;   LEGAL LANDLegal Landscape - 14 x 8.58f 3'3'Standard'A'AStandardZ K e6VE L"nu;   2GN91K:1PL;nM<XMLETTER PORTLetter Portrait - 8.5 x 119L 3'3'Standard3'3'StandardZ K e6VE L"nU9   LEGAL PORTLegal Portrait - 8.5 x 14: 3'3'StandardA'A'StandardLetter Portrait - 8.5 x 119   TITLETitle of a Document;K\ * ăFOOTERFooter A - Appearanced<21P=yN>iN?dcO@jOBLOCK QUOTESmall, single-spaced, indented=N X HEADING 33rd Heading Level>| XHIGHLIGHT 2Large and Bold Large?B*d. HIGHLIGHT 3Large, Italicized and Underscored@ V -q2,VAcPBERC-SD8TLETTERHEADLetterhead - date/marginsAu H XX  3'3'LetterheadZ K e VE L"n3'3'LetterheadZ K e VE L"nE9    * 3'3'LetterheadZ K e VE L"n3' II"n"Tv3'StandarddZ K e VE L"nU9 Ѓ   INVOICE FEETFee Amount for Math InvoiceB ,, $0$0  MEMORANDUMMemo Page FormatCD.   ! M E M O R A N D U M ă r  y<N dddy   INVOICE EXPSEExpense Subtotals for Math InvoiceD:A ,p, $0$002YE8^VFWGX7YH[YINVOICE TOTTotals Invoice for Math MacroEz 4p, $0$00INVOICE HEADRHeading Portion of Math InvoiceF+C`*   4X 99L$0 **(  ӧ XX NORMALReturn to Normal TypestyleGSMALLSmall TypestyleH2[I[ZJ[wZK[ZL[-[FINEFine TypestyleILARGELarge TypestyleJEXTRA LARGEExtra Large TypestyleKVERY LARGEVery Large TypestyleL2M[N=]FZ]ENVELOPEStandard Business Envelope with HeaderM+w ,,EnvelopeZ K e VE L"n,,EnvelopeLarge, Italicized and Under;    ,, 88+  `   footnote tex#N']#d6X@C@# X   'W S-  #&J\  P6Q&P#Federal Communications Commission`(#DA 98853 ă  yx}dddy'[Federal Communications Commission HWashington, D.C. 20554 4May 5, 1998 $q^ ԃ  S-`6(# Released: May 6, 1998 Mr. Michael Scott Clem President, Trident Media and Broadcasting, Inc. P.O. Box 391 West Frankfort, IL 628960391 Dear Mr. Clem:  xThis is with regard to your letter dated December 28, 1997, concerning applications for new broadcast AM, FM, and television facilities.  x[On August 5, 1997, we dismissed without prejudice another petition for rulemaking that you previously  S- xLfiled, which also concerned applications for new broadcast AM, FM, and television facilities. Letter, 13  xFCC Rcd 4808 (1997). You requested the Commission to amend its rules in order to grant an absolute  x=preference over any otherwise qualified broadcast applicant to firsttime applicants and/or to applicants  xKwith no broadcast or other media interests. In dismissing the petition, we noted that your proposal directly  xzaddressed an issue that was already the subject of a pending rulemaking proceeding: determining who  S- xwould operate a new facility in the manner that would best serve the public interest. Id. at 4809, n. 2,  S- xciting Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in GC Docket No. 9252, 7 FCC Rcd 2664 (1992), and Further  S-Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in GC Docket No. 9252, 9 FCC Rcd 2821 (1994).  xOn December 28, 1997, you submitted the letter before us. As before, you request the Commission to  x.amend its rules in order to grant an absolute preference over any otherwise qualified broadcast applicant  xMto firsttime applicants and/or to applicants with no broadcast interests. However, you now suggest  x>limiting application of this proposed rule to areas where there exists no more than one locally owned  x.broadcast station per service. It would also apply to petitions for rulemaking to allot new FM channels and the petitioners' subsequently filed applications for new facilities on such channels.  xYour new petition for rulemaking is very similar to the petition that we recently dismissed. Your proposal  xdirectly addresses the same issue, which remains the subject of the pending rulemaking proceeding. We  xnote that this proceeding has been incorporated into a new one that was initiated in response to enactment of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997.  xSection 3002(a)(1) of the Balanced Budget Act amended Section 309(j) of the Communications Act of  xj1934, directing the Commission to resolve future mutually exclusive initial broadcast license applications  xby competitive bidding. On November 26, 1997, the Commission initiated a proceeding to determine what  xauction procedures will best effectuate the statute. Among other things, the Commission requested  xcomment on whether to adopt bidding credits or other measures to promote diversification of ownership.  S$- xNotice of Proposed Rulemaking in MM Docket No. 97234, GC Docket No. 9252, and GEN Docket No.  x90264, 12 FCC Rcd 22363, 2240102 (1997). The subject matter of these rulemaking proceedings  x substantially overlaps and are intertwined with issues raised by your December 28, 1997 letter. We  xbelieve such issues are best addressed in the context of those proceedings. You may wish to file comments in that proceeding, although we note that the time for filing comments formally has passed. "),**UU-"  xAccordingly, pursuant to Section 1.401(e) of the Commission's Rules, the December 28, 1997 petition for rulemaking IS DISMISSED WITHOUT PREJUDICE.  S- d    ,MSincerely, d    ,MCharles W. Logan d    ,MChief, Policy and Rules Division d    ,MMass Media Bureau