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Women Take Charge

Tuesday, June 16

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Summer Internships

Business Creating Opportunity for Youth.

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Marketing Opportunity

Sponsor a Chamber Event

Market your business through sponsorship opportunities.

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Get Involved. Get Results.

The Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to promoting growth and economic development, advocating for sound public policy, and serving our members with outstanding programs and benefits. GPCC is the premier advocate of the region’s business community, representing members in 11 counties across three states with one voice.

Region on the Rise


Dedicated to building the economy of the Greater Philadelphia region.

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Grow your business, connect with regional leaders and save on benefits and services.

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Benefit Services, Inc.

Comprehensive and cost effective health insurance and other benefits and savings programs.

More about Benefit Services, Inc »

Free PA Drug Card »

Young Professionals Network

Gaining knowledge. Building relationships.

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Relocation Information

Thinking of moving to the Greater Philadelphia region?

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