BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Business Service Provider Information

Does your company provide professional services that U.S. firms use to conduct international business?

If so, you can leverage the Philadelphia Business Service Provider Directory to promote your company.

For $300 (see pricing model below), the benefits of the online listing include:

  • Detailed company description with logo and contact information
  • Link to your corporate website
  • Online promotion for one full year
  • Linkage to U.S. exporters

Pricing Model:
Single One Year Listing-   $300.00

To view an example of what your BSP portal will look like, please click here.

Review our current listings here

Who Should Apply and How?

Companies and organizations in these and other categories may apply for inclusion. See the BSP Application for all the category choices.

To apply for inclusion in the Philadelphia Business Service Provider Directory:

1) Complete the application form online


2) Download and complete the BSP Payment Form:

BSP Information and Payment Form