United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service
EEO & Civil Rights at ARS
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This site describes the Civil Rights and Equal Employment Opportunity policies and practices which guide the United States Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service (ARS) in carrying out its mission, and provides examples of some of our activities in this important area. 

Administration- provides a link to the USDA Civil Rights Home Page, USDA Civil Rights Directives, and key Civil Rights laws and Executive Orders.

Staff Listing - provides a link to the ARS  Office of Outreach, Diversity, and Equal Opportunityand Area ODEO Program Managers.

CRS Mission & Vision - provides a link to the ARS Office of Outreach, Diversity, and Equal Opportunity Mission and Vision Statement.

Civil Rights Training- provides required Civil Rights training for ARS employees.

Disability - provides links to the ARS Disability Awarness Newsletter (DAN) and other disability information.

Diversity- provides a link to a Calendar of Events and the ARS HQ Diversity Day Celebration.

EEO Alternative Dispute Resolution Program - provides a link to Departmental Regulation 4710-001 and information regarding mediation.

EEO Complaint Process- provides information about EEO counseling services and EEO complaint process.

EEO Resources- provides a link to a variety of Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity information reference sources.

Highlights - lists examples of the kinds of Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity accomplishments that are integral parts of ARS activities.

NO FEAR Act - provides a link to the reporting page for the Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002 (NO FEAR Act), Public Law 107-174.

Outreach - provides a link to ARS programs which explore scientific careers.

Partnerships - provides a link to information on mutually beneficial scientific interactions between ARS and partners from under represented groups.

Policies - presents the written Civil Rights policy commitments of the leadership of ARS.

Programs - provides a brochure in .PDF format describing the mission, charge, and programs within the Office of Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity.

Special Emphasis Programs provides information regarding Special Emphasis Programs and Initiatives and Outreach. 

Website Feedback - provides a form with which to send comments or suggestions about the website to the Office of Outreach, Diversity, and Equal Opportunity.

Last Modified: 03/09/2009