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International Symposium on Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms (ISOC-HAB)

Logos of symposium sponsors
Symposium sponsored by EPA, NOAA, FDA, USDA, UNC-IMS, CDC, US Army Corps Of Engineers, USGS, National Institute of Health, and NEIHS

Schematic depicting factors associated with toxogenic cyanobacterial blooms
Schematic depicting factors associated with toxogenic cyanobacterial blooms. View larger image.

Download the monograph

The interagency, International Symposium on Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms (ISOC-HAB), was held at the Sheraton Imperial in Research Triangle Park, NC, USA, on September 6-10, 2005.

ISOC-HAB was co-sponsored by the US EPA, NOAA, FDA, USGS, US ACE, NIH, NIEHS, CDC, USDA, and the UNC-CH IMS. Approximately 100 invited participants from multiple countries and 100 members of the general public participated in the symposium.

The symposium was organized around seven session topics:

Specific charges developed by the ISOC-HAB organizing committee were addressed by 24 speakers and seven workgroups. The symposium product will be a monograph published by Springer Press in their series, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. The monograph will help form the scientific basis of the US Harmful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Research and Control Act, and inform EPA's Office of Water. The monograph will include:

The monograph can be ordered from Springer Press:


Additional information is available from Dr. H. Kenneth Hudnell, the lead organizer of ISOC-HAB, at 919-933-9507, or through email at khudnell@nc.rr.com.

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