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2008 "Green Tips" Podcasts

April 1, 2008 - Reduce Your Carbon Footprint: Reid Harvey, Branch Chief for the Climate Change Division, discusses how you can reduce your greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution, increase the nation's energy independence and save some money in the process.
Play the podcast (MP3, 7.2 MB, runtime 5:05) | Transcript
Personal emissions calculator | Greenhouse gas emissions

April 4, 2008 - Clean Beaches: Jim Pendergast, Branch Chief of Fish, Shellfish, Beach and Outreach discusses beach advisories and how to protect our natural beach environments.
Play the podcast (MP3, 9.5 MB, runtime 6:45) | Transcript
Learn more about beaches

April 7, 2008 - WaterSense: Virginia Lee, of EPA's WaterSense Program, discusses water efficient products and how make your home and business water efficient.
Play the podcast (MP3, 7 MB, runtime 6:45) | Transcript
Learn more about WaterSense

April 10, 2008 - Using Pesticides Safely: Darlene Dinkins of EPA's Office of Pesticide Programs, discusses pesticide safety tips to help keep your family, pets and community healthy while saving some money.
Play the podcast (MP3, 9.1 MB, runtime 6:27) | Transcript
Pesticide Safety Program | Read the Label First

April 14, 2008 - Water Enforcement: Mark Pollins, Director of Water Enforcement, discusses how EPA is enforcing the requirements of laws such as Clean Water Act and what types of violations you can help prevent or identify in your community.
Play the podcast (MP3, 10.2 MB, runtime 7:14) | Transcript
Stormwater Runoff | Clean Water Act Enforcement

April 17, 2008 - Buy Energy Star Products: Maria Vargas of EPA's Energy Star program discusses how buying energy-efficient products decreases greenhouse gases and helps helps keep those rising energy costs down.
Play the podcast (MP3, 10.3 MB, runtime 7:19) | Transcript
Energy Star Home Improvement | Energy Star Products

April 21, 2008 - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Matt Hale, Director for the Office of Solid Waste, discusses how recycling is a simple way to make a big difference and how easy it is to incorporate recycling into our daily lives.
Play the podcast (MP3, 8.1 MB, runtime 5:47) | Transcript
Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle | Tips for reducing solid waste

April 24, 2008 - Green IT: Molly O'Neill, former Assistant Administrator for Environmental Information and Chief Information Officer, discusses how to identify and buy green electronics as well as how to safely recycle them once they have reached their useful lifespan.
Play the podcast (MP3, 7.1 MB, runtime 5:03) | Transcript
Learn more about eCycling

Current podcast Green Tips series

These podcasts are MP3 sound files. Get Windows Media Player  Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer

Earth Day is April 22! Find out more about what you can do to help protect the environment at home, at school, on the road, or at work.