Consolidated State Performance Reports

  Select a link below to jump to the relevant page section.
  1. CSPR Information Collections
  2. Background Information
  3. SY 2004-2005 Consolidated State Performance Report, Part I and Part II
  4. SY 2005-2006 Consolidated State Performance Report, Part I and Part II
  5. SY 2006-2007 Consolidated State Performance Report, Part I and Part II
  6. Federal Register Notices

1. CSPR Information Collections

The Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) for school year (SY) 2006-07 consists of two information collections.

download filesConsolidated State Performance Report (Part I)

MS Word (543K) | PDF (890K)

Part I of the Consolidated State Performance Report collects data related to the five NCLB Goals, established in the approved June 2002 Consolidated State Application, information required for the Annual State Report to the Secretary, as described in section 1111(h)(4) of NCLB and data required under Homeless Collection (added in FY 05-06).

The Five NCLB Goals

  • Performance Goal 1: By SY 2013-14, all students will reach high standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics.
  • Performance Goal 2: All limited English proficient students will become proficient in English and reach high academic standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics.
  • Performance Goal 3: By SY 2005-06, all students will be taught by highly qualified teachers.
  • Performance Goal 4: All students will be educated in learning environments that are safe, drug free, and conducive to learning.
  • Performance Goal 5: All students will graduate from high school.

download files Consolidated State Performance Report (Part II)

MS Word (646K) | PDF (1.31M)
  • Part II of the Consolidated State Performance Report collects information related to state activities and outcomes of specific ESEA programs needed for the programs’ GPRA indicators or other assessment and reporting requirements. The Department uses these data in conjunction with data collected in Part I to monitor States’ progress in implementing NCLB and to identify technical assistance needs and program management and policy needs.

If you have any questions about the Consolidated State Performance Report, contact Enid Marshall via telephone at (202) 708-9499 or via email at Enid.Marshall@ed.gov.


2. Background Information

The Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) is the required annual reporting tool for of each State, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico as authorized under Section 9303 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB).

ESEA programs that are included in the Consolidated State Report:


3. SY 2004-2005 Consolidated State Performance Report, Part I and Part II

The Consolidated State Performance Report: Parts I and II for SY 2004-2005 reflect data from the 2004-2005 school year unless otherwise noted. The due date for States to submit Part I of the report to the Department was March 6, 2006. The due date for Part II of the report was April 14, 2006.

Contact: Enid Marshall, (202) 708-9499

  • Consolidated State Performance Report, Parts I and II:
    download files MS WORD (913K) | PDF (698K)

4. SY 2005-2006 Consolidated State Performance Report, Part I and Part II

The Consolidated State Performance Report: Parts I and II, approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for SY 2004-2005, reflect data from the 2005 - 2006 school year unless otherwise noted. The due date for States to submit Part I of the report to the Department was December 30, 2006. The due date for Part II of the report was February 2, 2007.

Contact: Enid Marshall, (202) 708-9499

  • SY 2005-2006 Consolidated State Performance Report, Parts I and II:
    download files MS WORD (844K) | PDF (1.12M)
  • SY 2005-2006 Consolidated State Performance Reports, Part I and Part II, by State

5. SY 2006-2007 Consolidated State Performance Report, Part I and Part II

Consolidated State Performance Report for SY 2006-2007 is approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The current approved CSPR will expire on January 31, 2008. Revisions to the CSPR are necessary at this time to: (1) further align CSPR data definitions and data elements with the required EDFacts 2006-2007 data collection; (2) facilitate improved data quality; (3) meet new NCLB data collection requirements not contained in the current CSPR; and (4) further consolidate other ED data collections within the CSPR to eliminate duplication and reduce burden to States.

The changes reflected in the revised CSPR are intended to achieve the following purposes:

  • Align CSPR data definitions and data elements with those contained in the EDFacts mandatory collection.
  • Further consolidate data collections across ED to eliminate duplication and reduce burden by incorporating other ED approved or required data collections with CSPR. These include:
    • Title III Biennial Collection, 1885-0553
    • Migrant Child Count Collection, 1810-0519
  • Clarify instructions to ensure that the appropriate data are collected.
  • Address NCLB reporting requirements related to science standards and assessments and SES/Choice funding
  • Improve the reliability data reported on AYP determinations
  • Simply and standardize the format, wording and instructions throughout the collection for greater clarity and consistency.

The submission deadline for CSPR Part I will be December 1, 2007. Part II will be due on or before February 1, 2008.

Contact: Enid Marshall, (202) 708-9499

  • SY 2006-2007 Consolidated State Performance Reports, Part I, by State
  • SY 2006-2007 Consolidated State Performance Reports, Part II, by State



6. Federal Register Notices

Federal Register Notices related to Information Collections in the Department, including those in OESE.


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Last Modified: 09/22/2008