Southeastern Drought
Southeast Region


The Southeastern United States is in the midst of an intense drought. As Federal water managers at the US Army Corps of Engineers, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and other agencies try to balance water needs for a multitude of users, the US Fish and Wildlife Service is working closely with them to help populations of fish, mussels, and other aquatic species survive these historic conditions.

USFWS Discussion Paper for Drought Contingency Planning for Freshwater Mussels in Southeast U.S.

Map of ACF Ace Basin. USFWS photoApalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF)

Key Points in the Consultation on the ACF Revised Interim Operating Plan -- (pdf of powerpoint)

Audio button Hear the audio of the full news conference -- Written transcript (pdf)

NOAA Water Resources Outlook, Southeast River Forecast Center -- (14 minute video)

(click on photos for 300 dpi images)

Frank Parauka, USFWS biologist, holds a young Gulf sturgeon in his hands.  Photo was taken on the Choctawhatchee River near Geneva, AL.  The by line for the image:  Photo by Jake Osborne/USFWS
Frank Parauka, USFWS biologist, holds a young Gulf sturgeon in his hands. Photo was taken on the Choctawhatchee River near Geneva, AL. The by line for the image: Photo by Jake Osborne/USFWS
Measuring the sturgeon.  Meghan Langley, SCA Intern, is measuring a Gulf sturgeon within the holding tank with the assistance of Frank Parauka, USFWS.  Photo by Paul A. Lang/USFWS
Measuring the sturgeon. Meghan Langley, SCA Intern, is measuring a Gulf sturgeon within the holding tank with the assistance of Frank Parauka, USFWS. Photo by Paul A. Lang/USFWS
Greg Landry, USFWS, and Meghan Langley, SCA Intern, posing with one of the Gulf sturgeon that was captured.  Photo by Paul A. Lang/USFWS
Greg Landry, USFWS, and Meghan Langley, SCA Intern, posing with one of the Gulf sturgeon that was captured. Photo by Paul A. Lang/USFWS
Scouts from Pack 302, Panama City, FL holding Gulf sturgeon (from left to right:  Bailey Lang, Forrest Lang, Ben Hemming, Noah Lang).  Copyright Paul A. Lang.
Scouts from Pack 302, Panama City, FL holding Gulf sturgeon (from left to right: Bailey Lang, Forrest Lang, Ben Hemming, Noah Lang). Copyright Paul A. Lang. (for photo use contact Paul Lang -- 850/303-9587
Weighing sturgeon.  Greg Landry and Frank Parauka, USFWS, placing Gulf sturgeon on scale for Meghan Langley, SCA Intern, to read off the weight.   Photo by Paul A. Lang/USFWS
Weighing sturgeon. Greg Landry and Frank Parauka, USFWS, placing Gulf sturgeon on scale for Meghan Langley, SCA Intern, to read off the weight. Photo by Paul A. Lang/USFWS

Last updated: October 8, 2008

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