Enterprise Licensing Agreements & Contracts PMB On the Web

Software Licensing Agreements

The Department of Interior has competitively negotiated enterprise contracts with software providers to take advantage of our potential for volume discounts. These are the contracts that were awarded:

On May 24, 2001 the Department entered into a five year Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) with the Oracle Corporation.

This agreement provides enterprise-wide Oracle database licenses, maintenance and services under one contract.

Oracle Ordering Information

On September 30, 2003, the Department of the Interior awarded to Northrop Grumman, a reseller of Symantec anti-virus software, a three-year guaranteed minimum contract. The basic offering, per seat, consists of the Symantec Anti-Virus Enterprise Edition (SAVEE)

Symantec Ordering Information

On September 13, 2002, the Assistant Secretary for Policy, Management, and Budget signed a Findings and Determination document that requires DOI to standardize on Microsoft products on a Department-wide basis for the Office XP (desktop), the Windows XP and the Windows 2000 Standard Server (operating system), and the Systems Management Server (SMS) (asset management software).

Microsoft Ordering Information


A Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) for the purchase of Adobe Software by all Department of Interior Agencies has been awarded and is effective July 1, 2003.

Adobe Ordering Information

DOI/USGS Contact: Mark Negri (703) 648-5613. DOI/ESRI Licensing Group Email Address GS_ESRI_Info@usgs.gov. In February 2004 the existing ESRI/DOI Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) enterprise licensing terms were modified per the GSA SmartBUY program. The SmartBUY Addendum to the ESRI BPA gave DOI unlimited access to non-royalty ESRI GIS software products, and discounts on royalty based ESRI GIS software products, documentation, training, and services.

ESRI GIS Ordering Information

Lotus Notes

Contact Al Vega





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