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Department of the Interior Ethics Office
Use of Government Property

Government property may only be used for authorized purposes.  Federal employees are responsible for making every effort to conserve and protect property owned or leased by the Government.

What is "Government property?" 

Government property includes any form of real or personal property in which the Government has an ownership, leasehold, or other property interest as well as any right or other intangible interest that is purchased with Government funds, including the services of contractor personnel.  The term includes office supplies, telephone and other telecommunications equipment and services, the Government mails, automated data processing capabilities, printing and reproduction facilities, Government records, and Government vehicles.

What are "authorizied purposes?"

Authorizied purposes are those purposes for which Government property is made available to members of the public or those purposes authorizied in accordance with law or regulation.

DOI Limited Personal Use of Government Equipment

The Department has adopted a policy on employee personal use of computers, telephones, fax machines, photocopiers and the internet.  The policy does not apply to Government credit cards and official motor vehicles.  The policy applies to Government equipment on government premises.  Employees may not, without proper authorization, remove Government equipment from the office for home use.


Employees may use Government computers and the internet for personal use on their own personal time (before and after work, during lunch and other breaks) and provided there is no additional cost to the Government.  Employees may make personal purchases over the internet, provided they send anything purchased to a non-government address.  The following activities are prohibited:

     Viewing/downloading pornography
     Lobbying Congress or any Government agency
     Campaigning - political activity
     Conducting commercial activities
          Day trading (securities)
          Outside work
          Real Estate
     Endorsement of any products, services or organizations
     Live streaming or video streaming music, images, or information.


The Department does not place restrictions on incoming email.  Under this policy, employees may send out personal email provided that:

     Any message is not sent to more than 5 addresses - no mass mailings
     No broadcast transmissions
     No bulletin boards

Note:  Any email sent or received on a Government owned or leased computer is subject to disclosure and public record.

Managers may place additional restrictions on computer/internet use only in cases of abuse or to meet management needs.


Personal calls may be made when they are necessary and provide a benefit to the Government.  Examples:

     Calls to family members when an employee works late.
     Calls to child-care facilities or providers to make alternate arrangements.
     Calls to medical or day-care providers.
     Calls to make funeral arrangements.
     Calls to businesses that are open only during work hours.
     Calls to arrange home or car repairs.

Purely personal calls are permissible if they are short (5-10 minutes) and no cost to the Government (long distance and toll calls are prohibited).  

Telephone use while on travel:

Employees may use Government telephones for official calls while on travel.  When using non-government telephones, employees should use Federal calling cards or prepaid calling cards.  When necessary, Personal cellular phones may be used for official calls.

Employees should use Federal calling cards and prepaid calling cards when making personal calls on travel.  Government-owned cellular phones and hotel phone lines should not be used if possible.   Employees must have prior authorization to use telephone equipment on airplanes.  If authorized, employees should use Federal calling cards or prepaid calling cards.

Government Charge Cards on Travel

Employees may use Government charge cards while on official travel for the following:

     Cash advances within 5 calendar days before and during travel.
     Transportation-related tickets (air, train, etc.).
     Rental cars/gasoline.
     Local travel (bus, taxi).
     Parking and tolls.
     Phone calls (if calling cards are not available).

Employees may not use Government charge cards for any personal purchases.

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