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United States Attorney's Office District of Connecticut
Press Release

April 24, 2009


Nora R. Dannehy, Acting United States Attorney for the District of Connecticut, today announced that a federal jury in Hartford has found VIDA DEAS, also known as “V,” 36, formerly of Wethersfield Avenue, Hartford, guilty of one count of conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute 50 grams or more of cocaine base (“crack cocaine”), and two counts of distribution of cocaine base.  The trial before United States District Judge Christopher F. Droney began on April 20 and the verdict was returned this morning.

This matter stems from a six-month investigation by the Northern Connecticut Violent Crimes Task Force that included the use of a variety of investigative techniques including controlled purchases of crack cocaine, federal wiretaps over a two-month period and physical surveillance.  The investigation followed an increase in drug trafficking activity and associated violence in the vicinity of Capen and Tolland Streets in Hartford.

According to the evidence presented at trial, DEAS was intercepted on numerous occasions during the course of the wiretap investigation.  The investigation revealed that DEAS assisted co-defendant Byron Turner in possessing and distributing crack cocaine between January 2004 and March 2007.  The evidence established that DEAS provided assistance by converting powder cocaine into crack cocaine for Turner, and driving Turner to locations where DEAS knew that Turner would be meeting customers to distribute crack.

The evidence also established that, on two occasions in March 2007, DEAS distributed crack cocaine to his customers in the greater Hartford area.

On January 9, 2009, DEAS pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to possess with the intent to distribute 50 grams or more of cocaine base.  The guilty plea exposed DEAS to a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment of 10 years.  However, based on a defendant’s motion, the Court subsequently allowed DEAS to withdraw his plea of guilty and proceed to trial.

When he is sentenced, DEAS now faces a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment of 20 years, a maximum term of life imprisonment, and a fine of up to $8 million.  Sentencing is scheduled for July 13, 2009.

This investigation resulted in the indictment of 14 defendants on federal narcotics and firearms charges, and search and seizure warrants executed during the investigation have resulted in the seizure of seven firearms, significant quantities of powder cocaine and crack cocaine, narcotics paraphernalia, approximately $37,000 in cash, and six vehicles utilized in furtherance of drug trafficking activities.

All of the 14 defendants who were indicted as a result of this investigation have now been convicted.

On May 11, 2007, Turner pleaded guilty to several federal narcotics offenses.  He awaits sentencing.

This matter was investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Hartford Police Department, the Bloomfield Police Department, the Drug Enforcement, Administration, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, the East Hartford Police Department, and the Mid-State Narcotics Task Force.  The case is being prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorneys Edward T. Kang and Christopher M. Mattei.




Tom Carson
(203) 821-3722





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