
Websites disseminating Research and Development (R&D) information

A list of DOI’s public websites disseminating research and development (R&D) information to the public, describing for each whether the website provides the public information about federally funded R&D activities and/or provides the results of Federal research

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)

  1. http://www.usgs.gov/ is the main USGS public website that disseminates research and development (R&D) information to the public. Because of the large amount of research and development being done within USGS, the best single point of entry is the USGS main home page. Entering ‘research and development’ into the USGS search engine (http://search.usgs.gov/) will provide comprehensive results for links to USGS R&D. The links provide access to public information about past, present and future federally funded R&D activities and/or the results of Federal research and development efforts.
  2. http://search.usgs.gov/results.html?cx=005083607223377578371%3Ab5ixbbpqpx0&cof=FORID%3A11&q=Research+and+Development&sa=Search#944 provides R&D information for USGS.
  3. As a result of the large amount of research and development (R&D) being done and presented throughout all science programs and locations of the USGS, the best single points of entry for information about USGS R&D activities and results are the agencies' main home page (http://www.usgs.gov/) and individual “Science Area” websites (http://www.usgs.gov/programs.asp).
  4. Entering ‘“research and development”’ into the USGS search engine (http://search.usgs.gov/) will provide comprehensive results for links to USGS R&D activities and results. The links provide access to public information about past, present and future federally funded R&D activities and/or the results of Federal research and development efforts.


U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS)

  1. http://www.fws.gov/budget/2009/2009%20GB/28.0%20Appendix.pdf   (provides some R&D result information)
  2. http://www.fws.gov/budget/2009/2009%20GB/01.0%20General%20Statement.pdf (an excerpt for R & D appears on Page GS-18)


Bureau of Reclamation (BOR)

  1. Research and Development Office:   http://www.usbr.gov/research/
  2. Water Resources Research Laboratory Publications Index: http://www.usbr.gov/pmts/hydraulics_lab/pubs/index.cfm
  3. Water Treatment Engineering & Research Publications: http://www.usbr.gov/pmts/water/publications/index.html
  4. Tracy Fish Facility Research Technical Reports and Data Downloads: http://www.usbr.gov/pmts/tech_services/tracy_research/data/index.html
  5. Environmental Applications and Research Group: http://www.usbr.gov/pmts/eco_research/
  6. Materials Engineering and Research Lab: http://www.usbr.gov/pmts/materials_lab/about/facilities.html
  7. Bureau of Reclamation FOIA Page: http://www.usbr.gov/foia


Bureau of Land Management (BLM)

  1. http://www.blm.gov is the main BLM public website that disseminates research and development (R&D) information to the public. Because of the large amount of research and development being done within BLM, the best single point of entry is the BLM main home page. Entering ‘research and development’ into the BLM search engine will provide comprehensive results for links to BLM R&D. The links provide access to public information about past, present and future federally funded R&D activities and/or the results of Federal research and development efforts.
  2. http://www.blm.gov/search/?query=R%26D&submit=Go&adv=1&narrow=pr%3Adefault&pr=VALUE_HERE&dropXSL=yes contains R&D information for BLM.


National Park Service

  1. http://www.nps.gov is the main NPS public website that disseminates research and development (R&D) information to the public. Because of the large amount of research and development being done within NPS, the best single point of entry is the NPS main home page. Entering ‘research and development’ into the NPS search engine will provide comprehensive results for links to NPS R&D. The links provide access to public information about past, present and future federally funded R&D activities and/or the results of Federal research and development efforts.
  2. http://www.nature.nps.gov contains R&D information.
  3. http://www.planning.nps.gov contains R&D information.
  4. http://www.nps.gov/search/query-meta?q=R%26D&v%3Aproject=NPS&as_sitesearch= provides R&D information for NPS.


Minerals Management Service (MMS)

  1. http://www.mms.gov/offshore/EnvironmentalResearch.htm  Provides results of Federal research on a host of environmental projects
  2. http://www.mms.gov/offshore/SafetyandOilSpillResearch.htm Provides results of Federal research on Oil Spill technology assessment

National Business Center (NBC)

Not Applicable

Office of Surface Mining (OSM)

  1. Pittsburgh Field Division provides information concerning mining and oversight activities in Maryland, Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania:  http://www.arcc.osmre.gov/about_OIO.asp
  2. OSM’s website provides information on the implementation of the SMCRA: http://www.arcc.osmre.gov/about_OIO.asp and http://www.osm.gov
  3. Technical Innovation and Professional Services (TIPS) provides practical, advanced tools and techniques to improve efficiency and effectiveness in the implementation of Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA):  http://www.tips.osmre.gov



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Last Updated on 10/08/08