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Lead: Secondary Lead Smelter eTool
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eTools are "stand-alone", illustrated, Web-based training tools on occupational safety and health topics. As indicated in the disclaimer, eTools do not create new OSHA requirements. 

This eTool is designed to assist the secondary lead smelting industry in identifying potential engineering and work practice controls to reduce employee lead exposure.  It is the employer's responsibility to evaluate the sources of exposure and the controls necessary for their particular operation in order to reduce employee lead exposure to the lowest feasible level [1910.1025(e)(1)]. The sources of exposure can be identified through task analysis sampling or through video exposure monitoring.

The engineering and work practice controls listed in this eTool are intended as guides for design purposes and apply to typical operations in secondary lead smelters. Many of the controls have been shown to reduce employee lead exposure and are provided to assist employers and employees in complying with the OSHA Lead Standard. Not every control presented will be applicable to all lead smelters without modifications because of special conditions such as work place constraints, cross-drafts, motion, differences in temperature, or use of other means of contaminant suppression. Additionally, other controls not presented in this eTool may exist, which may be applicable to a particular smelter.

It is the employer's responsibility to acquire industrial hygiene and ventilation expertise to evaluate sources of employee exposure, and to design, install, operate and maintain exhaust ventilation systems according to recognized industrial hygiene practices. These practices can be found in publications such as the American Industrial Hygiene Association and the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists.

Respiratory protection and medical surveillance are not addressed in this eTool, but are required for the following; compliance with the Lead Standard, controlling lead exposure levels, and preventing lead-related disease. Please refer to the following for more information:

| eTool Home | Raw Materials Processing | Smelting | Refining and Casting |
| Environmental Controls | Maintenance | Engineering Controls | OSHA Lead Requirements |
| Scope | Definitions | Additional References | User Guide | Credits |
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Occupational Safety & Health Administration
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20210