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  Audio Division   F(50,50), F(50,10), F(50,90) FM, TV Propagation Curves Graphs; Section 73.599 FM/TV Channel 6 Interference Ratio Graphs
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F(50,50), F(50,10) FM,TV Propagation Curves Graphs
F(50,90) Digital TV Curves Graphs
FM to TV Channel 6 Interference Ratios Graphs

In response to numerous requests, we provide below new graphical implementations of the FM and TV propagation curves graphs contained in Sections 73.333 and 73.699 of the FCC's rules. F(50,90) digital television service graphs are also provided although these are not in the FCC's rules. Lastly, we provide the Figure 1 and 2 graphs from Section 73.599, containing the interference ratio curves from FM noncommercial educational stations to TV Channel 6 stations.

These graphs have been generated in three formats, PDF, PostScript, and as PNG images. PDF graphs should be retrieved where the image must be resized from the default 11 inch by 17 inch graph size, for example when printing to standard 8½" by 11" paper. PDF files are also the quickest to download. PNG files should be used where the graph is to be viewed on the Internet, in the same manner (within an <IMG > tag) as .jpg or .gif images. The PostScript version is made available for those users with PostScript-capable printers, and is best printed at the 11" x 17" size. The PostScript version may be viewed using GhostScript and GhostView, or other PostScript viewer. Each graph is also provided the three options for the graphed curves color (black, red, and blue).

The Audio Division maintains an on-line F(50,50), F(50,10), and F(50,90) propagation curves calculator at http://www.fcc.gov/mb/audio/bickel/curves.html.

F(50,50), F(50,10), and F(50,90) Propagation Curves

    F(50,50)     F(50,10)     F(50,90)
FM and
TV Channels 2-6  
PDF (resizeable)
Black | Red | Blue

PNG image
Black | Red | Blue

PostScript (11"x17")
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PDF (resizeable)
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PNG image
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PostScript (11"x17")
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PDF (resizeable)
Black | Red | Blue

PNG image
Black | Red | Blue

PostScript (11"x17")
Black | Red | Blue

    F(50,50)     F(50,10)     F(50,90)
TV Channels 7-13      
PDF (resizeable)
Black | Red | Blue

PNG image
Black | Red | Blue

PostScript (11"x17")
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PDF (resizeable)
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PNG image
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PostScript (11"x17")
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PDF (resizeable)
Black | Red | Blue

PNG image
Black | Red | Blue

PostScript (11"x17")
Black | Red | Blue

    F(50,50)     F(50,10)     F(50,90)
TV Channels 14-69      
PDF (resizeable)
Black | Red | Blue

PNG image
Black | Red | Blue

PostScript (11"x17")
Black | Red | Blue
PDF (resizeable)
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PNG image
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PostScript (11"x17")
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PDF (resizeable)
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PNG image
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PostScript (11"x17")
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FM /TV Channel 6 Protection Ratios (Section 73.599)

Figure 1     Figure 2
PDF (resizeable)
Black | Red | Blue

PNG image
Black | Red | Blue

PostScript (11"x17")
Black | Red | Blue
PDF (resizeable)
Black | Red | Blue

PNG image
Black | Red | Blue

PostScript (11"x17")
Black | Red | Blue

This page is posted at http://www.fcc.gov/mb/audio/bickel/FM_TV_DTV_propagation_curves_graphs.html


Please send comments via standard mail to the Federal Communications Commission, Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau, 445 12th Street, S.W., Washington, D.C., 20554. Questions can also be answered by calling the FCC's National Call Center, toll free, at 1-888-Call FCC (1-888-225-5322).

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