California Science Assessment Letter

July 21, 2008

The Honorable Theodore R. Mitchell
California State Board of Education
1430 N. Street, Suite 5111
Sacramento, California 95814

The Honorable Jack O'Connell
Superintendent of Public Instruction
California Department of Education
P.O. Box 944272
Sacramento, California 94244-2720

Dear President Mitchell and Superintendent O'Connell:

Thank you for submitting evidence on California's science assessment by April 21, 2008. We appreciate the work you did to prepare the required evidence.

As I noted in my letter on February 28, for the 2007-08 school year, each state was required to demonstrate that it satisfied the following basic requirements: (1) it has approved content standards in science; (2) it administered a general and alternate science assessment in each grade span (3-5, 6-9, and 10-12); (3) it included all students in one of the science assessments (i.e., either the general or the alternate); and (4) it reported the results of the general and alternate science assessments on state, district, and school report cards.

My staff has reviewed the evidence you submitted and determined that, based on the evidence submitted to date, it appears that California has met the basic requirements for administering science assessments in 2007-08. However, California has not yet submitted data to the Department demonstrating that all students were included in the science assessments or evidence that the reports for the California Alternate Performance Assessment at the district and state levels include science results. Please let us know within 10 days of receipt of this letter when California will have those data available so that we can confirm that California has, in fact, met the basic requirements for administering science assessments in 2007-08. States that do not provide the outstanding evidence to verify that they have met the four criteria for the 2007-08 school year have not met the basic requirements of the statute and will be subject to consequences, such as withholding of Title I, Part A administrative funds.

In 2008-09, California must submit complete evidence of its science standards and assessments for peer review. We have scheduled peer reviews for science standards and assessments for the weeks of October 25 through November 2, 2008, and March 23 through 27, 2009. Please plan accordingly. All materials for review must be provided to the Department three weeks before peer review is scheduled.

The Department remains committed to working with California to help it meet the full requirements of NCLB. If you have any questions, would like to discuss this further, or would like to request technical assistance, please do not hesitate to contact Grace Ross (Grace.Ross@ed.gov) or Patrick Rooney (Patrick.Rooney@ed.gov) of my staff.


Kerri L. Briggs, Ph.D.

cc: Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
Secretary David Long
Deb Sigman

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Last Modified: 08/06/2008