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Albert, Dennis A., Douglas A. Wilcox, Joel W. Ingram, and Todd A. Thompson. 2005. Hydrogeomorphic classification for Great Lakes coastal wetlands. Journal of Great Lakes Research 31(Supplement 1): 129-146.
Contribution # 1331 [Abstract]

Allen, Jeffrey D., Glenn K. Walker, Jean V. Adams, S. Jerrine Nichols, and Carol C. Edsall. 2005. Embryonic developmental progression in lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) (Walbaum, 1792) and its relation to lake temperature. Journal of Great Lakes Research 31(2): 187-209.
Contribution # 1320 [Abstract]

Argyilan, Erin P., Steven L. Forman, John W. Johnston, and Douglas A. Wilcox. 2005. Optically stimulated luminescence dating of late Holocene raised strandplain sequences adjacent to Lakes Michigan and Superior, Upper Peninsula, Michigan, USA. Quaternary Research 63(2): 122-135.
Contribution # 1319 (OP) [Abstract]

Bergstedt, Roger A. and Michael B. Twohey. 2005. The sterile-male-release technique in Great Lakes sea lamprey management. Sea Lamprey Research Program.
Contribution # 1342A (OP) [Abstract]

Birchmeier, Kelly L., Kimberly A. Smith, Dora R. Passino-Reader, Leonard I. Sweet, Sergei M. Chernyak, Jean V. Adams, and Geneva M. Omann. 2005. Effects of selected polybrominated diphenyl ether flame retardants on lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) thymocyte viability, apoptosis, and necrosis. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(6): 1518-1522.
Contribution # 1301 [Abstract]

Booth, Robert K., Sara C. Hotchkiss, and Douglas A. Wilcox 2005. Discoloration of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) tape as a proxy for water-table depth in peatlands: validation and assessment of seasonal variability. Functional Ecology 19(6): 1040-1047.
Contribution # 1349 [Abstract]

Burkett, Virginia R., Douglas A. Wilcox, Robert Stottlemyer, Wylie Barrow, Dan Fagre, Jill Baron, Jeff Price, Jennifer L. Nielsen, Craig D. Allen, David L. Peterson, Greg Ruggerone, and Thomas Doyle. 2005. Nonlinear dynamics in ecosystem response to climatic change: case studies and policy implications. Ecological Complexity 2(4): 357-394.
Contribution # 1325 (OP) [Abstract]

Chernyak, Sergei M., Clifford P. Rice, Richard T. Quintal, Linda J. Begnoche, James P. Hickey, and Bryan T. Vinyard. 2005. Time trends (1983-1999) for organochlorines and polybrominated diphenyl ethers in rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) from Lakes Michigan, Huron and Superior, USA. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(7): 1632-1641.
Contribution # 1328 (OP) [Abstract]

Craig, Jaquelyn M., Michael V. Thomas, and S. Jerrine Nichols. 2005. Length-weight relationship and a relative condition factor equation for lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) from the St. Clair River system (Michigan, USA). Journal of Applied Ichthyology 21(2): 81-85.
Contribution # 1311 [Abstract]

Dobiesz, Norine E., David A. McLeish, Randy L. Eshenroder, James R. Bence, Lloyd C. Mohr, Mark P. Ebener, Thomas F. Nalepa, Aaron P. Woldt, James E. Johnson, Ray L. Argyle, and Joseph C. Makarewicz. 2005. Ecology of the Lake Huron fish community, 1970-1999. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62(6): 1432-1451.
Contribution # 1341 (OP) [Abstract]

Edsall, Thomas A., Michael T. Bur, Owen T. Gorman, and Jeffrey S. Schaeffer. 2005. Burrowing mayflies as indicators of ecosystem health: status of populations in western Lake Erie, Saginaw Bay, and Green Bay. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 8(2): 107-116.
Contribution # 1276 [Abstract] [Appendix]

Fisher, Timothy G. and Walter L. Loope. 2005. Aeolian sand preserved in Silver Lake: a new signal of Holocene high stands of Lake Michigan. Holocene 15(7): 1072-1078.
Contribution # 1310 [Abstract]

French, John R. P. III, Patrick M. Muzzall, Jean V. Adams, Kendra L. Johnson, Angela E. Flores, and Andrea M. Winkel 2005. Occurrence of Cyathocephalus truncatus (Cestoda) in fishes of the Great Lakes with emphasis on its occurrence in round gobies (Neogobius melanostomus) from Lake Huron. Journal of Great Lakes Research 31(4): 405-413.
Contribution # 1335 [Abstract]

Hickey, James P. 2005. Estimation of inorganic species aquatic toxicity. Pages 617-629 in Ostrander, Gary K., editor. Techniques in aquatic toxicology, volume 2. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Contribution # 1068 [Abstract]

Honeyfield, Dale C., Doug Beltman, Mark Holey, and Carol Edsall. 2005. Investigation of thiamine and PCB association with early life stage fry mortality in lake trout from northwestern Lake Michigan in 1996-1998. Pages 182-194 in Cipriano, R. C., I. S. Shchelkunov, and M. Faisal, eds. Health and Diseases of Aquatic Organisms: Bilateral Perspectives. Proceedings of the Second Bilateral Conference between Russia and the United States. 21-28 September 2003 Shepherdstown, West Virginia. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
Contribution # 1302 (OP) [Abstract]

Johnson, James H., James E. McKenna Jr., David S. Dropkin, and William D. Andrews. 2005. A novel approach to fitting the von Bertalanffy relationship to a mixed stock of Atlantic sturgeon harvested off the New Jersy Coast. Northeastern Naturalist 12(2): 195-202.
Contribution # 1300 [Abstract]

Johnson, Timothy B., David B. Bunnell, and Carey T. Knight. 2005. A potential new energy pathway in central Lake Erie: the round goby connection. Journal of Great Lakes Research 31(Supplement 2): 238-251.
Contribution # 1360 [Abstract]

Ketola, H. George, Thomas L. Chiotti, Robert S. Rathman, John D. Fitzsimons, Dale C. Honeyfield, Peter J. Van Dusen, and Graham E. Lewis 2005. Thiamine status of Cayuga Lake rainbow trout and its influence on spawning migration. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 25(4): 1281-1287.
Contribution # 1327 [Abstract]

Klassen, Waldemar, Jean V. Adams, and Michael B. Twohey. 2005. Modeling the suppression of sea lamprey populations by use of the male sex pheromone. Journal of Great Lakes Research 31(2): 166-173.
Contribution # 1321 [Abstract]

Madenjian, Charles P. 2005. Role of lake-wide prey fish survey in understanding ecosystem dynamics and managing fisheries of Lake Michigan. Pages 293-309 in Edsall, T. and M. Munawar, eds. State of Lake Michigan: Ecology, Health, and Management. Ecovision World Monograph Series. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management Society, New Delhi.
Contribution # 1306 (OP) [Abstract]

Madenjian, Charles P., Darryl W. Hondorp, Timothy J. Desorcie, and Jeffrey D. Holuszko. 2005. Sculpin community dynamics in Lake Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research 31(3): 267-276.
Contribution # 1326 [Abstract]

Madenjian, Charles P., Steven A. Pothoven, Philip J. Schneeberger, Daniel V. O'Connor, and Stephen B. Brandt. 2005. Preliminary evaluation of a lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) bioenergetics model. Pages 189-201 in Mohr, Lloyd C. and Thomas F. Nalepa, eds. Proceedings of a workshop on the dynamics of lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) and the amphipod Diporeia spp. in the Great Lakes. Technical Report No. 66. Great Lakes Fishery Commission, Ann Arbor, MI.
Contribution # 1229 (OP) [Abstract]

Madenjian, Charles P., Tomas O. Hook, Edward S. Rutherford, Doran M. Mason, Thomas E. Croley II, Emily B. Szalai, and James R. Bence. 2005. Recruitment variability of alewives in Lake Michigan. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 134(1): 218-230.
Contribution # 1295 [Abstract]

Manny, Bruce, Jennifer Read, Douglas Denison, Robert Reider, Gregory Kennedy, Nathan Caswell, James Boase, and Jerry McClain. 2005. Creation of lake sturgeon spawning habitat in the Detroit River. Pages 98-100 in Eedy, R., J. Hartig, C. Bristol, M. Coulter, T. Mabee, and J. Ciborowski, eds. State of the Strait: Monitoring for Sound Management. Occasional Publication No. 4. Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario. 135 pp.
Contribution # 1315 (OP) [Abstract]

Mason, Doran M. , Timothy B. Johnson, Chris J. Harvey, James F. Kitchell, Stephen T. Schram, Charles R. Bronte, Michael H. Hoff, Steven J. Lozano, Anett S. Trebitz, Donald R. Schreiner, E. Conrad Lamon, and Thomas Hrabik. 2005. Hydroacoustic estimates of abundance and spatial distribution of pelagic prey fishes in western Lake Superior. Journal of Great Lakes Research 31(4): 426-438.
Contribution # 1346 [Abstract]

McKenna, James E. Jr. 2005. Application of neural networks to prediction of fish diversity and salmonid production in the Lake Ontario basin. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 134(1): 28-43.
Contribution # 1293 [Abstract]

McKenna, James E. Jr. and James H. Johnson. 2005. Juvenile rainbow trout production in New York tributaries of Lake Ontario: implications for Atlantic salmon restoration. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 25(1): 391-403.
Contribution # 1316 [Abstract]

McKenna, James E. Jr. and James H. Johnson. 2005. Juvenile rainbow trout production in New York tributaries of Lake Ontario: implications for Atlantic salmon restoration. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 25(1): 391-403.
Contribution # 1316 [Abstract] [Appendix 175 KB]

Mills, E. L., J. M. Casselman, R. Dermott, J. D. Fitzsimons, G. Gal, K. T. Holeck, J. A. Hoyle, O. E. Johannsson, B. F. Lantry, J. C. Makarewicz, E. S. Millard, I. F. Munawar, M. Munawar, R. O'Gorman, R. W. Owens, L. G. Rudstam, T. Schaner, and T. J. Stewart. 2005. A synthesis of ecological and fish-community changes in Lake Ontario, 1970-2000. Technical Report 67. Great Lakes Fishery Commission, Ann Arbor, MI. 86 pp.
Contribution # 1242 (OP) [Abstract]

Nalepa, Thomas F., Lloyd C. Mohr, Bryan A. Henderson, Charles P. Madenjian, and Philip J. Schneeberger. 2005. Lake whitefish and Diporeia spp. in the Great lakes: an overview. Pages 3-19 in Mohr, Lloyd C. and Thomas F. Nalepa, eds. Proceedings of a workshop on the dynamics of lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) and the amphipod Diporeia spp. in the Great Lakes. Technical Report 66. Great Lakes Fishery Commission, Ann Arbor, MI.
Contribution # 1336 (OP) [Abstract]

Nevers, Meredith B. and Richard L. Whitman 2005. Nowcast modeling of Escherichia coli concentrations at multiple urban beaches of southern Lake Michigan. Water Research 39(20): 5250-5260.
Contribution # 1348 [Abstract]

Nevers, Meredith B. and Richard L. Whitman. 2005. Protecting visitor health in beach waters of Lake Michigan: problems and opportunities. Pages 583-600 in Edsall, T. and M. Munawar, eds. State of Lake Michigan: Ecology, Health, and Management. Ecovision World Monograph Series. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management Society, New Delhi.
Contribution # 1234 (OP) [Abstract]

Nichols, S. Jerrine, Harold Silverman, Thomas H. Dietz, John W. Lynn, and Donald L. Garling. 2005. Pathways of food uptake in native (Unionidae) and introduced (Corbiculidae and Dreissenidae) freshwater bivalves. Journal of Great Lakes Research 31(1): 87-96.
Contribution # 1287 [Abstract]

Owens, Randall W., Robert O'Gorman, Thomas H. Eckert, Brian F. Lantry, and Dawn E. Dittman. 2005. Recovery and decline of lake whitefish in U.S. waters of eastern Lake Ontario, 1980-2001. Pages 141-155 in Mohr, Lloyd C. and Thomas F. Nalepa, eds. Proceedings of a workshop on the dynamics of lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) and the amphipod Diporeia spp. in the Great Lakes. Technical Report 66. Great Lakes Fishery Commission , Ann Arbor, MI.
Contribution # 1227 (OP) [Abstract]

Ross, Robert M. , James H. Johnson, and Connie M. Adams. 2005. Use of fish-otolith-length regressions to infer size of double-crested cormorant prey fish from recovered otoliths in Lake Ontario. Northeastern Naturalist 12(2): 133-140.
Contribution # 1344 (OP) [Abstract]

Schaeffer, Jeffrey S., Anjanette Bowen, Michael Thomas, John R. P. French III, and Gary L. Curtis Invasion history, proliferation, and offshore diet of the round goby Neogobius melanostomus in western Lake Huron, USA. Journal of Great Lakes Research 31(4): 414-425.
Contribution # 1332 [Abstract]

Schloesser, Don W. 2005. Distribution and seasonal abundance of trematode parasites (Trematoda: Allocreadiidae: Crepidostomum spp.) in burrowing mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera: Ephemeridae: Hexagenia spp.) from connecting rivers of the Laurentian Great Lakes. Hydrobiologia 548(1): 177-189.
Contribution # 1323 [Abstract]

Whitman, Richard L., Stacey E. Byers, Dawn A. Shively, Donna M. Ferguson, and Muruleedhara Byappanahalli 2005. Occurrence and growth characteristics of Escherichia coli and enterococci within the accumulated fluid of the northern pitcher plant (Sarracenia purpurea L.). Canadian Journal of Microbiology 51(12): 1027-1037.
Contribution # 1353 [Abstract]

Wilcox, Douglas A. 2005. Lake Michigan wetlands: classification, concerns, and management opportunities. Pages 421-437 in Edsall, T. and M. Munawar, eds. State of Lake Michigan: Ecology, Health, and Management. Ecovision World Monograph Series. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management Society, New Delhi.
Contribution # 1303 (OP) [Abstract]

Wilmore, Sandra L., Gary A. Glowacki, and Ralph Grundel 2005. Assessment of bird populations in a high quality savanna/woodland: a banding approach. Chicago Wilderness Journal 3(3): 5-13.
Contribution # 1340 [Abstract]


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