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Patent Title: New Method of Reproducing Plants
See also: US Patent Office Full Record

South Atlantic Area
  Fort Pierce, Florida

BT Patent Number: 6692963
Docket Number: 24199
Serial Number: 9884798
Date Patented: 02/17/2004

Technology Description:


ARS researchers have developed a way to allow companies to conduct large-scale plant production using biotechnology. In this invention, plant material is placed on a semi-permeable membrane overlaid on a tissue culture medium, allowing it to develop normally. Other methods of culturing cells result in large numbers of abnormal embryos not capable of germinating into normal plants. Before this invention, there has not been a reliable way of reproducing large quantities of normal embryos capable of germinating into seedlings from most plant tissue cultures. This invention has been proven effective in citrus plants, but may be effective in other plants as well. The production of large numbers of normal plants from embryo culture or embryo proliferation from embryogenic cell lines has been the goal of many tissue culture laboratories involved in producing synthetic seeds such as the forestry and other agricultural industries.



Please refer to patent application USPN 6,692,963, "Method of Reproducing Plants by Somatic Embryogenesis," which was issued on February 17, 2004.



Michael George Bausher
Horticulture and Breeding Research
Fort Pierce, Florida 32803
(561) 462-5918 / Fax: (561) 462-5986


Randall Paul Niedz
(Same as first inventor)
(561) 462-5806 / Fax: (561) 462-5986


Scott Ellis Hyndman
(Same as first inventor)
(561) 462-5889 / Fax: (561) 462-5986


Last Modified: 05/06/2009
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