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Patent Title: Portable Deer Lift
See also: US Patent Office Full Record

Southern Plains Area
  Kerrville, Texas

Patent Number: 6502531
Docket Number: 21300
Serial Number: 9870145
Date Patented: 01/07/2003

Technology Description:

ARS researchers have developed a new portable device that immobilizes white-tailed deer by gently lifting their feet off the floor, so that handlers can conduct in-field tick examinations and inspections. White-tailed deer are the main hosts of ticks that transmit Lyme disease, and other diseases of humans and animals. The deer are also associated with bringing cattle fever ticks--a potentially costly livestock pest--across the Mexican Border through the Rio Grande into Texas. This device will allow wildlife managers to capture deer and other wildlife in a safe, humane manner, without causing trauma to the animals. Other devices use a drop chute that drops animals twice during handling, causing animal trap shyness and difficulties capturing and restraining them in the future. This device could also be used for administering contraceptives to deer as a safe and humane alternative for controlling rampant deer populations. Ultimately, the technology could be used to reduce tick numbers in residential areas, parks and recreational grounds, military installations, and other tick-infested areas. Companies that manufacture farm equipment and supplies could use this technology. Wildlife managers will benefit from this development.


Please refer to USPN 6,502,531 (Docket #0213.00), "Device and Method for Examination and Handling of Deer and Other Animals," which issued on January 7, 2003.


J. Mathews Pound 
Livestock Insects Research
Kerrville, TX 78028
830) 792-0342 / Fax: (830) 792-0337

Craig A. Lemeilleur
(Same as first inventor)
830) 792-0349 / Fax: (830) 792-0337


G. Keith Shelley
(Same as first inventor)

Gary R. Earl
(Same as first inventor)




Last Modified: 05/06/2009
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