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Patent Title: Aerodynamic Transport Body for Distribution of Biological Agents
See also: US Patent Office Full Record

Pacific West Area
  Shafter, California

BT Patent Number: 5996276
Docket Number: 16396
Serial Number: 8933124
Date Patented: 12/07/1999

Technology Description:

The invention involves a method and aerodynamic transport body for delivering biologicalcontrol agents into a field. The aerodynamic transport body is a biodegradable device thatcan be made from materials such as peat moss, molded paper slurry, soybean hulls andcorn cobs. The invention contains biological control agents, such as Lygus hesperus andAphelinus nr, which are effective against a variety of crop pests. The device is projectedinto the field using a catapult, releasing the biological control into the field as an effectiveenvironmental method to control insect pests.


Please refer to USPN 5,996,276 (Docket #0163.96), "Aerodynamic Transport Body for Distribution of Biological Agents," which issued on December 7, 1999.  Foreign rights are available.


Lyle M. Carter
Shafter, CA  93263
(661) 746-8004 / Fax: (661) 746-1619
Joseph H. Chesson (Retired)

John V.Penner
Western Integrated Cropping Systems Research
Shafter, CA  93263
(661) 746-8006 / Fax: (661) 746-1619


Last Modified: 05/06/2009
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