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 Pub Number  Title  Date
NCES 2009328 2007-08 School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS) Restricted-Use Data Files and Codebook and ASCII Layout
This CD contains restricted-use data for the 2007-08 School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS) in SAS, SPSS and ASCII formats. It also contains the 2007-08 SSOCS Restricted-Use Codebook and ASCII Layout (NCES 2009-327).
NCES 2009326 Crime, Violence, Discipline, and Safety in U.S. Public Schools, Findings from the School Survey on Crime and Safety: 2007-08
This First Look report uses data from the 2007-08 School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS) to examine a range of issues dealing with school crime and safety, such as the frequency of school crime and violence, disciplinary actions, and school practices related to the prevention and reduction of crime. SSOCS is the primary source of school-level data on crime and safety for NCES. Since 1999, it has been administered four times to the principals of nationally representative samples of public primary, middle, high, and combined schools.
WWC QRRC0409 Recess and Classroom Behavior Study
The study analyzed a nationally representative sample of over 10,000 students enrolled in third grade during the 2001–02 school year. These data were drawn from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998–1999 (ECLS–K).
NCES 2009039 Comparative Indicators of Education in the United States and Other G-8 Countries: 2009
This report describes how the education system in the United States compares with education systems in the other G-8 countries--Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Russian Federation, and the United Kingdom. Twenty-seven indicators are organized in five sections: (1) population and school enrollment; (2) academic performance (including subsections for reading, mathematics, and science); (3) context for learning; (4) expenditure for education; and (5) education returns: educational attainment and income. This report draws on the most current information about education from four primary sources: the Indicators of National Education Systems (INES) at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS), the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), and the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS).
WWC IRDPTD09 Talent Development Middle Grades Program
TDMG is a whole school reform approach for large middle schools that face serious problems with student attendance, discipline, and academic achievement. The program includes both structural and curriculum reforms. It calls for schools to reorganize into small "learning communities" of 200 to 300 students who attend classes in distinct areas of the school and stay together throughout their time in middle school. In addition to structural changes, schools adopting the program purchase one or more curricula that are intended to be developmentally appropriate and to engage students with culturally relevant content. For students who are behind in reading and math, the program provides additional periods devoted to these subjects that include group activities and computer-based lessons. To improve implementation, each school is assigned a team of "curriculum coaches" trained by the developer to work with school staff on a weekly basis to implement the program. In addition, teachers are offered professional development training, including monthly sessions designed to familiarize them with the program and demonstrate effective instructional approaches.
WWC 2008012 Reducing Behavior Problems in the Elementary School Classroom
Designed for elementary school educators and school- and district-level administrators, this guide offers prevention, implementation, and schoolwide strategies that can be used to reduce problematic behavior that interferes with the ability of students to attend to and engage fully in instructional activities.
NCES 2008300 The School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS) Brochure
This brochure describes the School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS). Written for respondents, it answers such questions as: What is SSOCS?, Why is SSOCS important?, What topics are covered?, Why was my school selected?, and Where can I find more information about SSOCS?
NCES 2007361 Crime, Violence, Discipline, and Safety in U.S. Public Schools, Findings from the School Survey on Crime and Safety: 2005-06
This First Look report uses data from the 2005–06 School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS) to examine a range of issues dealing with school crime and safety, such as the frequency of school crime and violence, disciplinary actions, and school practices related to the prevention and reduction of crime and safety. SSOCS is the primary source of school-level data on crime and safety for NCES. Since 1999, it has been administered three times to the principals of a nationally representative sample of public primary, middle, high, and combined schools.
NCES 2007010 Public School Practices for Violence Prevention and Reduction: 2003–04
This Issue Brief (1) examines principals’ reports of the prevalence of formal practices in public schools designed to prevent or reduce school violence and (2) describes the distribution of these practices by selected school characteristics. This analysis is based on school-level data reported by principals participating in the school year 2003–04 School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS) administered by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). Findings from the analysis indicate that schools implemented a variety of school violence prevention and reduction practices and that some practices were more commonly used than others. For example, 59 percent of schools formally obtained parental input on policies related to school crime and 50 percent provided parental training to deal with students’ problem behaviors. In addition, practices differed by school level and other selected school characteristics. For example, high schools were more likely than primary schools to implement safety and security procedures, while primary schools were more likely than high schools to promote training for parents to deal with students’ problem behavior.
Project “Graduation Really Achieves Dreams” (GRAD) is an initiative for students in economically disadvantaged communities that aims to reduce dropping out and increase rates of college enrollment and graduation by increasing reading and math skills, improving behavior in school, and providing a service safety net. At the high school level, Project GRAD provides four-year college scholarships and summer institutes to promote attending and completing high school. Project GRAD also provides services in those elementary and middle schools that feed in to the participating high schools.
WWC IRCEPA07REV Positive Action
Positive Action, a K–12 program, aims to promote character development, academic achievement, and social-emotional skills and to reduce disruptive and problem behavior. The program is based on the philosophy that you feel good about yourself when you think and do positive actions, and there is always a positive way to do everything. The curriculum includes six units; some grades have a review for a seventh unit. All lessons are scripted and use classroom discussion, role-play, games, songs, and activity sheets or text booklets. Optional components that may or may not be implemented as part of the program are: site-wide climate development; drug education for grade 5 and middle school; conflict resolution; counselor, parent, and family classes; and community/coalition components.
NCSER 2006NLTS2F Facts From NLTS2: School Behavior and Disciplinary Experiences of Youth With Disabilities
The National Center for Special Education Research at the Institute of Education Sciences has released a brief report from the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 entitled Facts From NLTS2: School Behavior and Disciplinary Experiences of Youth With Disabilities. Although most secondary-school-age youth with disabilities are reported to behave appropriately, approximately 20 percent to 40 percent are reported to exhibit problem behaviors at school, including not controlling behavior and arguing with others in class. One-third of students with disabilities have experienced disciplinary actions at school, such as suspensions, expulsions, referrals to the principal’s office, or detentions, and they are more likely than their peers in the general population to have faced these types of disciplinary actions.

Students with emotional disturbances are significantly more likely to have been suspended or expelled in one school year or over their school careers than youth in all other disability categories.
NCES 2004370 Crime and Safety in America's Public Schools: Selected Findings from the School Survey on Crime and Safety
This brief report presents analysis of the 2000 School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS). SSOCS is a nationally representative sample of public elementary and secondary schools. Principals were asked about the amount of crime and violence, disorder, disciplinary actions, violence prevention programs, teacher and parent involvement in prevention efforts, crime and safety practice, crisis management plans, and barriers to school safety. While the SSOCS collects a wide variety of information, this report provides national estimates on the major topics covered in SSOCS.
NCES 2004306 School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS) 2000 Public-use Data Files, User's Manual, and Detailed Data Documentation
This CD contains the raw, public-use data from the 2000 School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS) along with a User's Manual and Detailed Data Documentation. The data are provided in SAS, SPSS, STATA, and ASCII formats. The User's Manual and the Detailed Data Documentation are provided as .pdf files.
NCES 2004307 2000 School Survey on Crime and Safety: Detailed Data Documentation
This report provides detailed survey documentation for the 2000 School Survey on Crime and Safety. It covers such topics as sample design, data collection procedures, reponse rates, data editing and coding, imputation, weighting, and variance estimation.
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