Box: Acknowledgments

This article was written by Carol S. Carson, Bruce T. Grimm, and Carol E. Moylan. Carol E. Moylan led the team, which included Chris W. Garner and Bruce T. Grimm, that prepared the estimates. The project was under the general direction of Carol S. Carson. The project depended to an unusually large extent on staff members throughout BEA whose areas of expertise coincided with the methodologies or components incorporated in the satellite account. In addition, Robert Eisner, of Northwestern University, played an instrumental role in the initial stages of the project. BEA also acknowledges the many outside experts who provided advice and data. In particular, the staff of the Division of Science Resources Studies of the National Science Foundation was very helpful in providing most of the source data that underlie the account; John Gawalt served as the principal contact, and John Jankowski provided especially helpful advice on making estimates to supplement the survey data.