Emergency Planning: Influenza Outbreak

  • Pan Flu Guidance — Focuses on the elementary and secondary education issues and implications of the type of prolonged school closure that is recommended in the Community Mitigation Guidance for severe pandemics. download files PDF (98 KB) | Word (140 KB)

  • Preparing for Pandemic Flu: A Family Checklist Video — Defines the flu variations and suggests four things parents can do to prepare for it.
    video Real Player (18.4MB; 5 minutes, 38 seconds)
    Note: to see this video, your computer must have Real Player, which is free from Real.

  • Community Mitigation Guidance — "Non-pharmaceutical" approaches for mitigating the effects of an influenza pandemic. Created by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for communities, schools, and colleges.

  • Emergency Planning — Information for building pandemic flu into your comprehensive emergency plan.

  • Pandemic Flu: A Planning Guide for Educators — Identifies issues to consider when planning for seasonal flu, a mild or moderate pandemic flu, or a severe pandemic.

  • Examples of State and Local Plans and Planning Efforts — A panel of experts identified examples of strong planning efforts and useful resources.

  • Pandemic Planning: Resources for Higher Education

  • CDC Flu: Stop the Spread of Germs: Actions for Schools — Ways to prevent flu from spreading in schools.

  • Planning Checklists — To help schools in creating pandemic preparedness plans.

  • Last Modified: 05/04/2009