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Bibliography 1998- April 2009

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Bibliography 1998- April 2009

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Cover of Emission and Air Quality Modeling Tools for Near-Roadway Applications PDF

Ambient Air Quality Monitoring and Health Research: Summary of April 16-17, 2008 Workshop to Discuss Key Issues (PDF) (2 pp, 625KB, About PDF)

Cover of Emission and Air Quality Modeling Tools for Near-Roadway Applications PDF

Emission and Air Quality Modeling Tools for Near-Roadway Applications (PDF) (80 pp, 635KB, About PDF)

Cover of Integrated Science Assessment (ISA) for Oxides of Nitrogen and Sulfur – Ecological Criteria PDF

Integrated Science Assessment (ISA) for Oxides of Nitrogen and Sulfur – Ecological Criteria

Cover of Particulate Matter Research Program: Five Years of Progress PDF

Particulate Matter Research Program: Five Years of Progress (PDF) (208 pp, 4MB, About PDF)

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Publications in High Impact Journals

Scientists in EPA’s Clean Air Research Program and those conducting EPA-funded research publish extensively in the peer-reviewed literature. Many papers appear in publications that have been determined by Thomson Reuter, independent source, to be highly influential. A list of these publications for 1998 to 2008 is provided below.

  1. Chen,L.C., Thurston,G., 2002. World Trade Center cough, Lancet 360, p. s37-s38.

  2. Cifuentes,L., Borja-Aburto,V.H., Gouveia,N., Thurston,G., Davis,D.L., 2001. Climate change. Hidden health benefits of greenhouse gas mitigation., Science 293, pp. 1257-1259.

  3. Clancy,L., Goodman,P., Sinclair,H., Dockery,D.W., 2002. Effect of air-pollution control on death rates in Dublin, Ireland: an intervention study, Lancet 360, pp. 1210-1214.

  4. DeMarini,D.M., Preston,R.J.,

  5. 2005. Smoking while pregnant: transplacental mutagenesis of the fetus by tobacco smoke, JAMA 293, pp. 1264-1265.
  6. Dominici,F., Peng,R.D., Bell,M.L., Pham,L., McDermott,A., Zeger,S.L., Samet,J.M., 2006. Fine particulate air pollution and hospital admission for cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, JAMA 295, pp. 1127-1134.

  7. Gard,E.E., Kleeman,M.J., Gross,D.S., Hughes,L.S., Allen,J.O., Morrical,B.D., Fergenson,D.P., Dienes,T., Galli,M.E., Johnson,R.J., Cass,G.R., Prather,K.A., 1998. Direct Observation of Heterogeneous Chemistry in the Atmosphere, Science 279, pp. 1184-1187.

  8. Gauderman,W.J., Vora,H., McConnell,R., Berhane,K., Gilliland,F., Thomas,D., Lurmann,F., Avol,E., Kunzli,N., Jerrett,M., Peters,J., 2007. Effect of exposure to traffic on lung development from 10 to 18 years of age: a cohort study, The Lancet 369, pp. 571-577.

  9. Jang,M., Czoschke,N.M., Lee,S., Kamens,R.M., 2002. Heterogeneous Atmospheric Aerosol Production by Acid-Catalyzed Particle-Phase Reactions, Science 298, pp. 814-817.

  10. Nel,A., 2005. Air Pollution-Related Illness: Effects of Particles, Science 308, pp. 804-806.

  11. Nel,A., Xia,T., Madler,L., Li,N., 2006. Toxic Potential of Materials at the Nanolevel, Science 311, pp. 622-627.

  12. Peng,R.D., Chang H.H., Bell,M.L., McDermott,A., Zeger,S.L., Samet,J.M., Dominici,F., 2008. Coarse particulate matter air pollution and hospital admissions for cardiovascular and respiratory diseases among Medicare patients, JAMA 299, pp. 2172-2179.

  13. Peters,A., von Klot,S., Heier,M., Trentinaglia,I., Hormann,A., Wichmann,H.E., Lowel,H., 2004. Exposure to traffic and the onset of myocardial infarction, N. Engl. J. Med. 351, pp. 1721-1730.

  14. Pope,C.A., III, Burnett,R.T., Thun,M.J., Calle,E.E., Krewski,D., Ito,K., Thurston,G.D., 2002. Lung cancer, cardiopulmonary mortality and long-term exposure to fine particulate air pollution., JAMA 287, pp. 1132-1141.

  15. Pope,C.A., III, Ezzati,M., Dockery,D.W., 2009. Fine-Particulate Air Pollution and Life Expectancy in the United States, N Engl J Med 360, pp. 376-386.

  16. Que,L.G., Liu,L., Yan,Y., Whitehead,G.S., Gavett,S.H., Schwartz,D.A., Stamler,J.S., 2005. Protection from experimental asthma by an endogenous bronchodilator, Science 308, pp. 1618-1621.

  17. Robinson,A.L., Donahue,N.M., Shrivastava,M.K., Weitkamp,E.A., Sage,A.M., Grieshop,A.P., Lane,T.E., Pierce,J.R., Pandis,S.N., 2007. Rethinking Organic Aerosols: Semivolatile Emissions and Photochemical Aging, Science 315, pp. 1259-1262.

  18. Sun,Q., Wang,A., Jin,X., Natanzon,A., Duquaine,D., Brook,R.D., Aguinaldo,J.G., Fayad,Z.A., Fuster,V., Lippmann,M., Chen,L.C., Rajagopalan,S., 2005. Long-term air pollution exposure and acceleration of atherosclerosis and vascular inflammation in an animal model, JAMA 294, pp. 3003-3010.

  19. Thurston,G.D., Bates,D.V., 2003. Air pollution as an underappreciated cause of asthma symptoms, JAMA 290, pp. 1915-1917.

  20. Venkataraman,C., Habib,G., Eiguren-Fernandez,A., Miguel,A.H., Friedlander,S.K., 2005. Residential Biofuels in South Asia: Carbonaceous Aerosol Emissions and Climate Impacts, Science 307, pp. 1454-1456.

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