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Research Accomplishments

This page provides selected achievements by the Clean Air Research Program in EPA’s Office of Research and Development (ORD).  The research program has a long history of delivering relevant and useful products that support the regulation and implementation of air pollution standards by EPA, states and tribes.

Air pollution research at the EPA dates back to the formation of the Agency in 1970 when scientists responded to the need for additional research to support the implementation of new air pollution laws under the Clean Air Act.  Research over the years has contributed to the development of standards to regulate air pollutants such as ozone and particulate matter (PM).

Particulate matter became a prominent health issue in 1998 due to new science showing unexpected health impacts.  Soon after, the emphasis on PM research increased.  The report entitled Particulate Matter Research Program: Five Years of Progress summarizes notable achievements in PM research by the Clean Air Research Program from 1998 through 2002.  Since the release of this report, the program has built on its previous successes and further advanced scientific understanding of PM as well as other air pollutants regulated by EPA, including hazardous air pollutants.

A list of the Clean Air Research Program's most highly cited publications (PDF) (27 pp, 274 KB, About PDF) demonstrates the program's impact on advancing human health research. This list is part of an independent bibliometric analysis conducted for the Clean Air Research Program.

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