Table 2.—IEESA Production Account, 1987

[Billions of dollars]

Row Industries Final uses (GDP) Total commodity output (4+10)
Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries Mining, utilities, water, and sanitary services Other industries Total Final consumption Gross domestic capital formation Exports Imports GDP (5+6+7+ 8-9)
Household Government
(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
Made 1905.8(#)(#)
Assets 2905.8(#)(#)
Fixed assets3875.8(#)(#)
Environmental management410.6(#)(#)
Pollution abatement and control519.7(#)(#)
Other 6845.5(#)(#)
Inventories 730.1(#)(#)
Government 82.9(#)(#)
Nonfarm 932.7(#)(#)
Farm 10-5.5(#)(#)
Other 11(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)
Environmental cleanup and waste disposal services12n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.(#)(#)
Other 13n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.(#)(#)
Natural and environmental assets14n.a.(#)(#)
Fixed 15n.a.(#)(#)
Cultivated biological resources: Natural growth16n.a.(#)(#)
Proved subsoil assets1716.6<->64.6(#)(#)
Developed land18n.a.(#)(#)
Uncultivated biological resources: Natural growth19n.a.(#)(#)
Unproved subsoil assets20n.a.(#)(#)
Undeveloped land2119.9(#)(#)
Water 2238.7(#)(#)
Air 2327.1(#)(#)
Work-in-progress inventories (natural growth products)24n.a.(#)(#)
Total intermediate inputs25(#)(#)(#)(#)
Compensation of employees26(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)
Indirect business taxes, etc27(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)
Corporate profits and other property income28(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)
Depreciation of fixed made assets: Structures and equipment29 n.a.n.a.n.a.-607.9(#)
Environmental management30n.a.n.a.n.a.-7.0(#)
Pollution abatement and control31n.a.n.a.n.a.-12.2(#)
Other 32n.a.n.a.n.a.-588.7(#)
Depletion and degradation of fixed natural and environmental assets33n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.(#)
Growth products: Fixed34n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.(#)
Proved subsoil assets35n.a.n.a.n.a.-16.7<->-61.6(#)
Developed land36n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.(#)
Uncultivated biological resources37n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.(#)
Unproved subsoil assets38n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.(#)
Undeveloped land39n.a.n.a.n.a.-19.9(#)
Water 40n.a.n.a.n.a.-38.7(#)
Air 41n.a.n.a.n.a.-27.1(#)
Gross value added (GDP) (rows 26+27+28+29+33)42n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.(#)(#)
Depreciation, depletion, and degradation (rows 29+33)43n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.(#)
Net value added (NDP) (rows 42-43)44n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.(#)
TOTAL INDUSTRY OUTPUT45(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)

n.a. Not available.

# These estimates will depend on the integration of the System of National Accounts and the System of Environmental and Economic Accounting as part of the overall modernization of BEA's economic accounts.

NOTE.—Leaders indicate that an entry is not applicable.

GDP Gross domestic product

NDP Net domestic product