Brooks Range
Grizzly along the Denali Highway Rafting the Gulkana National Wild River Native woman drying salmon on racks ATV rider on trails near Glennallen Surveyor
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Alpine Satellite Development Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS)

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Final Environmental Impact Statement Contents

Cover (205 KB)
To the Reader (66 KB)
Abstract (81 KB)
Summary (299 KB)

Table of Contents (324 KB)

Volume 1, Title Page (81 KB)
Section 1 Introduction (225 KB)
Section 2 Alternatives Including the Proposed Action (910 KB)
Section 3 Description of the Affected Environment (1605 KB)
Section 4 Environmental Consequences (436 KB)
Section 4A Direct and Indirect Impacts - Alternative A (1894 KB)
Section 4B Direct and Indirect Impacts - Alternative B (736 KB) 

Volume 2, Title Page (82 KB)
Section 4C-1 Direct and Indirect Impacts - Sub-Alternative C-1 (723 KB)
Section 4C-2 Direct and Indirect Impacts - Sub-Alternative C-2 (439 KB)
Section 4D Direct and Indirect Impacts - Alternative D (787 KB)
Section 4E No-Action Alternative (78 KB)
Section 4F Preferred Alternative (1446 KB)
Section 4G Effects of the Cumulative Case (830 KB)
Section 4H Other Impact Considerations (121 KB)
Section 5 Consultation and Coordination (142 KB)
Section 6 Response to Public Comments (1210 KB)

Volume 3 Figures, Index, Bibliography,

Appendices A through O

Appendix A Technical Report - Public Testimony/Traditional Knowledge by Resource (601 KB)
Appendix B ANILCA Section 810 Analysis of Subsistence Impacts (266 KB)
Appendix C Federal and State Laws, Regulations and Policies Applicable to the ASDP (143 KB)
Appendix D Northeast National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska IAP/EIS ROD (575 KB)
Appendix E BLM Sensitive Species List for Alaska (99 KB)
Appendix F National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska Report to the Second Session of the Twenty Third Legislature State Fiscal Year 2004 (437 KB)
Appendix G Potential Mitigation Measures for the Agency Preferred Alternative (Alternative F) (153 KB)
Appendix H Scoping Summary Report (1945 KB)
Appendix I CPAI Request for Exception to Stipulations (629 KB)
Appendix J Cost Estimates for Alternatives A, B, C, D, and F (115 KB)
Appendix K Excerpts From North Slope Area-Wide State Oil and Gas Lease Sale Mitigation Measures (102 KB)
Appendix L USACE Public Notice of Application for Permit (4784 KB)
Appendix M Public Notice of Coverage Under the NPDES General Permit to Discharge to Waters of the United States for Facilities Related to the Extraction of Oil and Gas on the North Slope of the Brooks Range, Alaska (AKG-33-0000) (2067 KB)
Appendix N Essential Fish Habitat Assessment for the ASDP (81 KB)
Appendix O Clover Mine Site Rehabilitation Plan (1568 KB)