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Cape Cod National SeashoreProvince Lands dunes
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Cape Cod National Seashore


Eastern National promotes the public's understanding and support of more than 130 of America's national parks and other public trusts. At Cape Cod National Seashore, Eastern National manages the bookstores in the visitor centers, returning a percentage of the proceeds to the seashore for interpretation, education, and research. The bookstores are an extension of the seashore’s interpretive program; items are selected because they reflect the seashores resources and themes, they have educational value, and they enhance public understanding.

Eastern National's contributions have benefited the seashore and visitors in many ways. Eastern National frequently sponsors interpretive programs for visitors, such as National Junior Ranger Day and speaker programs at visitor centers. For many years Eastern National has underwritten the seashore’s Junior Ranger Program, exposing thousands of youngsters to the unique resources here and the importance of protecting them in the future. Eastern National funds are used to produce the annual seashore newspaper, as well as research about significant seashore resources, such as Old Harbor Life-Saving Station and the historic hay barge that is on display at Salt Pond Visitor Center. Eastern National’s most recent commitment to the seashore is sponsorship of the new cell phone interpretation program.

Eastern National was chartered in 1948. Its policies and programs are guided by an elected board of directors. The board, the members and the staff are dedicated to the preservation and use of the parks for the benefit of all Americans, visitors from all nations and future generations. Eastern National currently operates educational retail outlets in 30 states, from Maine to the Caribbean. Since 1947, Eastern has donated over $95 million to the National Park Service.

Link here to Eastern National's retail website EParks.


tropical fish found in Cape Cod waters  

Did You Know?
Tropical fish may occur in the waters of Cape Cod National Seashore. Tropical fish can be found in coastal areas all the way to the Canadian Maritime. Eggs and larvae of tropical fish are caught in the Gulf Stream and transported north. These fish eventually perish as the water cools.

Last Updated: October 28, 2008 at 10:54 EST