US Department of Education Principal Office Functional Statements
Office of the Chief Information Officer

Functional Statements > Office of the Chief Information Officer


Information Technology Program Services (ITPS) provides agency-wide leadership in the areas of enterprise architecture, IT investment and acquisition management, and web support. The organization is responsible for defining and establishing a sound and integrated IT enterprise architecture and managing the Department's Lifecycle Management (LCM) framework. Working collaboratively with the Executive Management Team and the Department’s Investment Review Board, ITPS defines and facilitates the implementation of policy governing the agency’s enterprise architecture and promotes the use of application, data, and technology architecture and standards throughout the IT investment and management process.

The organization oversees Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) processes to ensure that long range IT planning efforts are integrated with the Department’s budget and acquisition processes and that the agency’s IT investment portfolio is congruent with its enterprise architecture. It also functions as a portal for the provision of OCIO services and technical assistance to the agency’s principal offices, utilizing certified project managers to support offices in the development of IT-based business solutions.  The organization ensures configuration control and change management for EDUCATE and its tenant systems. ITPS also manages web-based applications that support the agency's on-line business processes and provides application development support across the Department. 

The Director, ITPS reports to the CIO.  In addition to Immediate Office staff, the Director provides leadership and direction to the following subordinate units:

Investment and Acquisition Management Team

The Investment and Acquisition Team is responsible for developing and implementing strategies and programs designed to enhance the Department's OMB 300 business case preparation and capital investment management and planning.
In carrying out its responsibilities, the Team:

  • Provides IT acquisition support to the agency’s program offices and facilitates the implementation of the Department’s IT Acquisition Review and Clearance Process.
  • Oversees the Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) process to ensure that long range IT planning efforts are integrated with the Department’s budget and acquisition processes and that the agency’s IT investment portfolio is congruent with enterprise architecture.
  • Provides Department executives and managers with accurate, timely information on IT investments, including life cycle costs, schedules and performance.
  • Develops and submits recommendations to the PIRWG and Investment Review Board (IRB) regarding IT investments (including projects, systems, IT workforce and initiatives) to assure that investment decisions are mission aligned, cost justified and approved only after careful and systematic review.
  • Defines capital planning and investment policies and procedures.
  • Coordinates and supports across the agency, investment decision processes that are prescribed by the Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996.
  • Develops and promotes Department-wide IT investment performance measures to assess agency progress in meeting requirements under the Government Performance and Results Act, the Information Technology Reform Act, and other relevant legislation.
  • Reviews and clears IT acquisitions linked to OMB 300 business cases and ensures that the appropriate security, FOIA compliance, and IT operations planning are taken into consideration.
  • Administers and provides oversight for the procurement of IT services and the contract management of those services.


Project Management Team

The Project Management Team provides support to Department Principal Offices for provision of OCIO services and support (EDUCATE, MSSP, PO-specific capabilities), as well as certified project managers to support program offices in the development of information technology-based business solutions to be hosted on EDUCATE. The Project Management Team will offer Principle Offices a single-point of access across all OCIO teams and areas for coordinating the provision of IT services and capabilities. The team also maintains the Department's formal IT Project Management Process and provides training on the IT Project Management Process to program offices.
In carrying out its responsibilities, the Team:

  • Provides a core of qualified project managers to execute the OCIO's formal IT Project Management Process in support of EDUCATE customers who require new solutions to be developed.
  • Performs technology assessments and analysis.
  • Provides administrative support to program office IT project managers engaged in the Information Technology Review Board process.
  • Defines IT design elements, and develops and tests solutions for emerging customer requirements.
  • Provides project management support to Department technology customers that are relocating offices.
  • Provides IT project managers for liaison work on all eGov Initiatives.
  • Provides IT project management support to program offices requesting OCIO’s management of Life Cycle Management (LCM) activities for the program office's IT business solutions.
  • Provides coordination and support to all Principal Offices for the acquisition of EDUCATE services.


Development Services Team

The Development Services Team manages the web-based applications that support and enhance the agency's on-line business processes and provides additional application development support across the enterprise. The team manages the Department's primary websites (, connectED) and provides expert advice and support for web-based application development activities.
In performing its responsibilities, the Team:

  • Develops and manages Internet and Intranet applications and coordinates the delivery of appropriate training for Departmental users.
  • Enhances education information dissemination, developing new information resources and improving on-line business processes.
  • Defines and explores opportunities for Government-to-Customer, Government-to-Business and Government-to-School e-business initiatives and measures effectiveness of new endeavors.
  • Maintains and operates the Department's internet Web site,
  • Maintains and operates the Department's intranet Web site, connectED.
  • Manages and provides oversight of the ConnectED site content.
  • Manages web content on Department Web sites, including providing tools for adding Web site content.
  • Works with Principal Offices on developing new content and maintaining the relative currency of existing content on the and connectED Web sites.


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Last Modified: 02/27/2009