US Department of Education Principal Office Functional Statements
Office of Inspector General

Functional Statements > Office of Inspector General


  1. Mission and Responsibilities
  2. Organization
  3. Order of Succession
  4. Functions and Responsibilities Of OIG Components
    1. Immediate Office of the Inspector General
    2. Investigation Services
    3. Audit Services
    4. Evaluation, Inspections and Management Services
    5. Information Technology Audits and Computer Crimes Investigations
  5. Primary Delegations of Authority

I. Mission and Responsibilities

The mission of the Office of Inspector General is to promote the efficient and effective use of taxpayer dollars in support of American education by providing independent and objective assistance to the Congress and the Secretary in assuring continuous improvement in program delivery, effectiveness, and integrity.

The Inspector General serves as the principal advisor to the Secretary on matters related to promoting economy, efficiency and effectiveness and preventing and detecting fraud and abuse in the administration of Departmental programs and operations. To do this, the Office of Inspector General:

  • Conducts independent audits, investigations, inspections and other reviews of Departmental programs and operations.
  • Provides leadership and coordination and recommends policies for activities to achieve its mission, including review of existing and proposed legislation and regulations and making recommendations on their impact on programs and operations.
  • Informs the Secretary and the Congress about problems needing corrective action and progress of corrective actions in Departmental programs and operations.
  • Recommends policies for, and conducts or coordinates relationships between the Department and other Federal agencies, State and local government agencies and non-governmental entities on issues relating to its mission.


II. Organization

The Office of Inspector General is under the direction of the Inspector General who reports directly to the Deputy Secretary and the Secretary of Education.

The Office of Inspector General utilizes a structure based on teams to manage its functions.


III. Order of Succession

In the event that the Inspector General resigns, becomes incapacitated, or is otherwise unable to perform the functions and duties of the office, and the office is thereby deemed to be vacant, the Deputy Inspector General shall temporarily perform the functions and duties of the office in an acting capacity.

In instances where the office is not vacant, but the Inspector General is absent, the following officials, in the order shown, shall perform the functions and duties of the office:

Deputy Inspector General;
Assistant Inspector General for Audit Services;
Assistant Inspector General for Investigation Services;
Assistant Inspector General for Information Technology Audits and Computer Crime Investigations; Counsel to the Inspector General;
Assistant Inspector General for Evaluation, Inspection, and Management Services;
Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Audit Services.

For a planned period of absence, each individual will designate an appropriate official to act in his/her position.


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Last Modified: 02/27/2007