BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Where can I find statistics on U.S. Exports and Imports?

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The Foreign Trade Division, U.S. Census Bureau - This site contains general U.S. trade information, including the current edition of the FT-900 U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services press release, with information on the trade balance, import and export totals, general commodity groupings, and country totals.

Office of Trade and Economic Analysis, International Trade Administration -
Click on "ITA Trade Statistics". This site contains U.S. aggregate foreign trade data, including historical data on U.S. trade in goods and services since 1960, total exports and imports to individual countries since 1991, the current top 50 surplus and deficit countries in U.S. trade, and commodity trade by SITC code. The site also lists statistics on exports by state and metropolitan area and industry-specific data by SIC code. The Customized State Export Statistics link allows you to view the global and state pattern of exports to selected destinations.

Who are the United States' top 50 trading partners?

Office of Trade and Economic Analysis, International Trade Administration -
Click on "Trade Statisics".

Who is buying particular products from the United States?

First you must know the Harmonized System (HS) or Schedule B number of the product. See question 9 for information on the HS Classification System and where to obtain this number for your product. Once you have your HS number, there are various statistical resources:

USA TRADE - a product of the Census Bureau and STAT-USA, a CD-ROM containing monthly export and import data on more than 17,000 commodities. The disc has data fields for 2,4,6 and 10-digit level HS Codes, Country, U.S. Customs District and four-year annual history. The fields can be easily manipulated and exported in dBase or ASCII format. An annual subscription is $650 and a single disc is available for $65.

Selected Commodity Subscription Service, Foreign Trade Division, U.S. Census Bureau - U.S. import and export data, in units of 1 to 10 digit HS Codes, made available on a monthly basis via mail or by download. Mailed printouts are available for $180 a year and downloaded data is available for $160 a year, for a set of 10 commodities.

STAT-USA Internet - also offers exports and imports by country and by 1 to 10 digit HS codes. The site is updated daily with other market research reports and trade leads. It is available by subscription for $175 a year.

U.S. International Trade Commission - contains U.S. import and export data one product at a time or by customized list. This site is free, but requires registration.
