U.S. Department of Education: Promoting Educational Excellence for all Americans
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Engineering Design Challenge: Lunar Growth Chamber (November 15th, 2007)
See caption below.
STS-118 Mission Specialist Barbara Morgan and Canadian Space Agency STS-118 Mission Specialist Dave Williams greet 4th grade Arlington Science Focus School students and principal Mary Begley at the U.S. National Arboretum, where the astronauts and an expert panel of ED staff, NASA engineers, and National Arboretum plant specialists evaluate the students lunar growth chamber design.

STS-118 Mission Specialist Barbara Morgan and Canadian Space Agency STS-118 Mission Specialist Dave Williams greet 4th grade Arlington Science Focus School students and principal Mary Begley at the U.S. National Arboretum. Arlington Science Focus School 4th grade students present their lunar growth chambers to the expert panel.


See other photos from International Education Week 2007
See other photo essays

Last Modified: 11/27/2007