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Open World Alumni Bulletin
The Alumni Bulletin is published three times a year and is primarily geared for our Russian audience. Each edition highlights the results and success stories of our alumni, and also features interviews with American hosts. The Alumni Bulletin provides information on Open World resources and services, such as upcoming events and digital tools. The Alumni Bulletin is a key component of our Alumni Program, which continually strives to strengthen the bonds between American hosts and their Russian counterparts.

Open World Alumni Program
The privately-funded Alumni Program allows for the continuation of partnerships and projects long after the original visit to the U.S. has ended. The Alumni Program also helps facilitate meetings and partnerships for U.S. hosts visiting Russia and other Open World countries.

Fall 2008 Alumni Bulletin (1.55MB)
Spring 2008: Cотрудничество и партнерство (2.01MB)
Winter 2008: Гражданские инициативы (869.71KB)
Winter 2007: Право и общество (916.6KB)
Fall 2006: Формирование гражданского общества (513.17KB)
Summer 2006: Вопросы социального развития (858.03KB)
Spring 2006: Юбилейный выпуск памяти Д.С.Лихачева (1.05MB)
Summer 2005: Местное самоуправление (781.93KB)
Spring 2005: Опыт и перспективы некоммерческих организаций (642.02KB)
Spring 2005: NGO Practices and Prospects (775.33KB)
Winter 2004: Economic Development (963.5KB)
Fall 2004: Youth: Initiatives, Concerns, and Policies (952.68KB)
Summer 2004: Rule of law (793.16KB)
Spring 2004: Environment (681.25KB)
Winter 2004: Экономическое развитие (1.3MB)
Fall 2004: Молодежные инициативы (844.58KB)
Summer 2004: Верховенство Закона (618.36KB)
Spring 2004: Охрана окружающей среды (702.21KB)
Winter 2003: Role of Libraries in the Community (468.15KB)
Fall 2003: Women as Leaders (349.42KB)
Winter 2003(add.): Роль библиотек в современном обществе (651.45KB)
Winter 2003: Роль библиотек в современном обществе (501.52KB)
Fall 2003: Первый выпуск бюллетеня для выпускников (495.88KB)

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