
Flexicurity: getting more people into good jobs
The Commission proposes the establishment of common principles of flexicurity to promote more and better jobs by combining flexibility and security for workers and companies.... more

Commission pushes for better work-life balance
The Commission has adopted today the second stage consultation with workers' and employers' representatives on how to achieve a better balance between work, private and family life... more

European benefit solutions - are we nearly there?
Multinational companies have long been seeking to reduce the cost and administration of their pensions and other risk benefits through pan-European arrangements. Recent EU Directives pave the way for such arrangements, and a range of options are now open... more

Euro area unemployment down to 7.2%
Euro area (EA13) seasonally-adjusted unemployment stood at 7.2% in March 2007, compared with 7.3% in February. It was 8.2% in March 2006. The EU27 unemployment rate was 7.3% in March 2007, the same as February. It was 8.2% in March 2006... more

Incentives used to reduce employee absences
In an attempt to tackle employee absence, 27% of employers now offer incentives to encourage staff to take fewer sick days, according to a new European survey by Mercer Human Resource Consulting. But opinion on the appropriateness of these incentives is mixed... more

"Work less!" global companies tell top managers
Chi-Won Yoon likes to leave his office by 6 pm - 7 pm at the latest. A banker with Swiss investment bank UBS, his day is far from over, what with conference calls with London and New York that will keep him busy until midnight. But he wants to send a message to his staff that it's okay to go home... more

Europe on the right track for more growth and jobs
“The European strategy for Jobs and Growth is showing encouraging results. Higher growth rates and lower unemployment are partly due to an economic upturn, but also show the Lisbon reforms are working”, said President Barroso. "Partnership with employers and trade unions at all levels has been critical... more

Women driving EU job growth – but still face barriers
Three out of four new jobs created in the EU are being taken by women, but important gaps with men remain, according to a new European Commission report.Despite higher educational achievements, women continue to be employed less – and paid less – than men...more

HR studies
Study shows HR upgrading its role
A study designed and carried out by Hewitt Associates, a global human resources services (HR) company, for the European Club for human resources (EChr) reveals that HR is scaling up its role in large companies while transforming the way it delivers its services to organizations... more


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