BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Charleston & Wheeling West Virginia

Events: National

NAB Show 2009

(April 20-23, 2009) The 2009 NAB Show will be the 85th consecutive Spring Convention. The NAB Show is one of the ten largest trade shows in North America and provides the world's largest and most comprehensive gathering of television, radio, film, video, audio and multimedia professionals. more...

National Restaurant Show (NRA)

(May 16-19, 2009) The first National Restaurant show was held in Kansas City, Missouri on December 1-3, 1919. Since that time, the NRA show has been the leading trade show in the restaurant and hospitality industry. more...

Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) Annual Meeting & Food Expo 2009

(June 6-10, 2009) The Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) Food Expo is the most important food event of the year! If you are a food industry professional in purchasing, ingredients, research & development or product development, production, laboratory management, operations, consulting, or management, there is no better place to learn about the newest products, discover the latest market trends, and develop new business relationships than the IFT Annual Meeting & Food Expo. more...

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