Supplemental Services
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Technical Assistance for Supplemental Educational Services (Mar 09, 2009)
This page provides technical assistance information on supplemental educational services or free tutoring services available under the No Child Left Behind Act.
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Studies and Reports for Supplemental Educational Services (Jan 29, 2009)
This page provides studies and reports on supplemental educational services available under the No Child Left Behind Act.
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Guidance for Supplemental Educational Services (Jan 14, 2009)
This page provides guidance information on supplemental educational services or free tutoring available under the No Child Left Behind Act.
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Regulations for Supplemental Educational Services (Jan 05, 2009)
This page provides regulations information on supplemental educational services or free tutoring available under the No Child Left Behind Act.
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Supplemental Educational Services (Jan 05, 2009)
This page provides information about supplemental educational services or free tutoring available under the No Child Left Behind Act and includes, a description of supplemental educational services, the authorizing legislation, guidance to implement the services, links to service providers, state contacts, per pupil allocations, and other resources.
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FY 2008 Grantees for the Upward Bound Program (MS Excel) (Dec 23, 2008)
This file provides a list of the 2008 grantees and funding for the TRIO Upward Bound Program. (MS Excel)
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FY 2008 Grantees for the Veterans Upward Bound Program (MS Excel) (Dec 23, 2008)
This file provides a list of the 2008 grantees and funding for the TRIO Veterans Upward Bound Program. (MS Excel)
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FY 2008 Grantees for the Veterans Upward Bound Program (PDF) (Dec 23, 2008)
This file provides a list of the 2008 grantees and funding for the TRIO Veterans Upward Bound Program. (PDF)
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FY 2008 Grantees for the Upward Bound Program (PDF) (Dec 23, 2008)
This file provides a list of the 2008 grantees and funding for the TRIO Upward Bound Program. (PDF)
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Study of the Voluntary Public School Choice Program: Final Report (Nov 19, 2008)
Study of the Voluntary Public School Choice Program: Final Report (2008) uses a mixture of quantitative and qualitative methods to measure the progress VPSC sites have made in meeting the program's legislative goals to: 1) maximize choice, 2) encourage students to transfer to higher achieving schools, and 3) promote interdistrict transfers. The final report discusses findings from data collected during the full five years of grant implementation, from fall 2002 through spring 2007.
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for Administrators (100)
Free, No Restrictions (94)
about Supplementary Education (89)
Office of Innovation and Improvement (OII) (77)
of type Educational Resources (71)
for Parents and Families (70)
for Teachers (70)
formatted as Portable Document Format (PDF) (53)
formatted as HTML document (32)
formatted as Microsoft Word document (32)