BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Charleston & Wheeling West Virginia

Multilateral Development Bank Lead Line


Multilateral Development Banks:

MDB's are regional multilateral finance institutions that promote economic development and social development in developing countries by providing loans, funds and technical assistance for private- and public-sector business development projects.  Many multilateral development banks work in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Commerce Commeical Service to promote U.S. exports that play a large role in financing these development projects abroad.

The Multilateral Development Bank Lead Line on EXPORT.GOV now provides U.S. companies with a simple and useful resource for finding new development projects funded by MDBs.  Projects from every region of the world and most industry sectors are covered.  Lead Lines are released on a quarterly basis.

About MDB "Lead Line":

  • Useful and simple resource for alerting companies of new development projects to be funded by Multilateral Development Banks.
  • Multilateral Development Banks include: World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank.
  • Projects are taken from every region of the world and from a large selection of industry sectors.
  • Preview of current procurement opportunities that Senior Commerical Liason Officers at the MDBs consider to be worthwhile and beneficial to U.S. companies.
  • MDB "Lead Lines" are released on a quarterly basis

For Current Leads and Instructions for Use Please Visit:

MDB Lead Line Website Link