BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Charleston & Wheeling West Virginia

Events: At Your Desk

Market Opportunities in Chile and Peru Webinar

(April 15, 2009) Learn how you can take advantage of business opportunities generated by our Free Trade Agreements to gain your Competitive Edge in Chile and Peru! more...

Census Foreign Trade Regulations Webinar: AES - How to Use PCLink

(April 23, 2009) Did you know that you and your company may be subject to criminal and civil penalties $1,100 to $10,000 per violation for not properly filing with AES PcLink? more...

Caribbean Markets Series - Barbados

(April 29, 2009) The U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service is proud to present the third in a series of webinars on the Caribbean markets. This third webinar will focus on Barbados. more...

Export Opportunities in Spain and Portugal Webinar

(May 20, 2009) Explore the potential for your company in Spain and Portugal. The U.S. Commercial Service and the National Association of Manufacturers, along with sponsor FedEx, presents another in the Small is Beautiful Webinar Series focusing on opportunities in Spain and Portugal. more...

Vietnam's Market for Power & Coal Related Equipment and Services

(June 10, 2009) The U.S. Commercial Service will host a webinar on Vietnam's dynamic and growing markets for equipment related to the electrical power and coal sectors. more...
