Texas Mid-Coast Refuge Complex
Southwest Region
"Conserving the Nature of America"

Birding at the Complex

The Texas Mid-Coast National Wildlife Refuge Complex has been designated as an internationally significant shorebird site by the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network. This designation indicates that the combined complex hosted over 100,000 shorebirds during spring migration. Dowitchers, dunlins, lesser yellowlegs, semipalmated and western sandpipers can best be observed in the spring between mid-March and mid-May and in the fall between July and September.

While great numbers of shorebirds crowd the shorelines and shallow water, thousands of waterfowl fill the marshes and freshwater ponds. The winds spread the calling of the many rail species while carrying passerines during their long migration.

To view the complete bird list click this link:

Texas Mid-Coast Bird List

A Great Blue Heron

A group of bird watchers

    Photo Credit: K. Ramos, USFWS



blue goose refuge logo with links to brochure, species lists, refuge maps, plans
Last updated: March 4, 2009
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