Giving Parents Options: Strategies for Informing Parents and Implementing Public School Choice And Supplemental Educational Services Under No Child Left Behind
September 2007
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Support from the SEA

SEAs can provide particularly effective support for district implementation of SES by setting clear expectations or policies on topics such as provider access to school facilities, and on other topics not discussed above, such as district and provider use of enrollment incentives and attendance awards. SEAs can further assist districts by preparing sample SES implementation materials, including district-provider contracts, student learning plans, and student progress reports. By recruiting and approving providers that offer online or in-home programs, or that offer programs in the morning, on weekends, or during the summer, SEAs can also assist district efforts to serve high school students.

Making it work

As SES involves multiple stakeholders and a variety of issues, SEAs might consider developing task forces for setting statewide expectations or policies for SES implementation. Such task forces could consist of representatives of key SES stakeholders, including districts and providers, and could be charged with making recommendations for policy on individual issues in SES implementation, as warranted.

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Last Modified: 08/18/2008