Giving Parents Options: Strategies for Informing Parents and Implementing Public School Choice And Supplemental Educational Services Under No Child Left Behind
September 2007
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Creating a master calendar

To help manage application and enrollment periods—as well as various outreach activities and responsibilities—a district should consider creating a master calendar of public school choice and SES events. The district could include in this calendar a variety of important dates, including the date it receives AYP data from the state, the date(s) by which parent notices go out, the dates of various district- and school-level outreach functions, and the date(s) by which parents must submit public school choice applications and SES enrollment forms.

Districts could also use a master calendar to manage other public school choice and SES implementation responsibilities after parents have been informed of their options and made choices. Regarding public school choice, districts could include, for instance, the date by which transfer requests must be implemented. For SES, districts could include the date(s) by which student learning plans should be developed, the date(s) by which services to students should begin, and other dates related to SES provider billing and payment. Districts could of course also include in a master calendar important planning events and meetings with providers.

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Last Modified: 08/18/2008