BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Access America Standards and Participation Guidelines


The Access America initiative offered by the U.S. Department of Commerce Commercial Service offers U.S. professional service providers and economic development agencies the opportunity to promote their services to foreign customers and investors via the web.

Access America is designed to help foreign customers and investors identify U.S. professional service providers.

Professional service providers gain visibility for their services in China by participating in Access America.

Participation Guidelines & Price
U.S. professional service companies can promote their company on the U.S. Commercial Service's China website in Chinese and on the U.S. portal site.

A listing on a U.S. Commercial Service website costs $400 per year, per listing, and includes:

• Detailed company description (maximum 250 words)
• Company logo
• Company contact information
• Corporate website link
• Translation into Mandarin Chinese

Looking forward - Multiple listings in other countries in the respective local language via Commercial Service (CS) websites will be available at a reduced price.

Participating companies can expect to receive initial counseling on the Access America service and a navigational tour of CS websites. Upon receipt of Access America application, the CS will complete a short qualification review in accordance with the CS export service policy.  The full listing of professional service categories participating companies can select is available in the drop-down menu on the Access America Application page. [link to categories]

Delivery Time
The U.S. Commercial Service must qualify all company information before processing payment, translation and publishing a participant's on-line listing based on service guidelines. This qualification review will normally be complete in 7 - 10 business days.

For firms that meet the qualifications, a company can expect their Access America listing to be on-line within 7-10 business days after receipt of payment.

Client Responsibilities
The participating company agrees to:
• Provide all required information for your listing during registration;
• Provide a maximum of 250 words for your listing, and a logo or image in JPEG or GIF format with a maximum image size of 200w x 85-150h pixels;
• Provide timely payment prior to publication of your listing on-line;
• Respond in a timely and professional manner to inquiries resulting from your Access America listing;
• Notify the Commercial Service of any changes in your corporation contact information, product or service line, logo, etc.
• Provide the Commercial Service with feedback on business generated.

U. S. Commercial Service Quality Assurances
The U.S. Commercial Service ensures that:
• The Acess America listing will be made available for one year from date of activation;
• A subscription renewal process will be made available prior to the current subscription expiration;
• The CS refund policy applies to Access America's business facilitation service;
• Reasonable changes to contact information, as well as other timely updates to the listing, may be made at the discretion of the local Commercial Service office upon the client's request.

Click here for the Access America Application.

As a valued client, your satisfaction is of the utmost importance to us and we want to make sure we are meeting your expectations and addressing any of your concerns. If you have an unresolved problem, any comments, or suggestions, please contact Julie Carducci at 312-353-8490 or .