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Business Service Provider Directory

Export Management

Sohail Bengali International

Logo for Sohail Bengali International

Contact: Sohail Bengali, Director
5253 Arcadia Street
Skokie, IL 60077
Phone: 847-508-2289

A risk-free solution: We are our clients' outsourced export department or support existing in-house exporting teams. We focus on expanding our client's international business, however, unlike traditional export management companies we don't charge retainer fees or any other fees. Our compensation is entirely based on sales commissions or purchasing from US manufacturers and reselling overseas.

We seek out new markets and distributors for our clients'products. We operate in similar fashion to a Manufacturer's Representative, only on an international scale. We have helped our clients' connect with international distributors and increased their sales and marketing presence overseas. Over the years we have built up an international reputation for delivering the highest standards possible in international customer service and order fulfillment.

Manufacturer Time and Cost Savings:
1.) Export specialist services on demand -- at no cost.
2.) International sales become as easy as domestic sales
since we become your payment source.
3.) Your cost per transaction is greatly reduced since we
identify and communicate with distributors on your behalf,
follow up on leads, negotiate, issue proformas, coordinate
logistics, and provide post-sales service.
4.) Dedicated international service insures that your
overseas distributors receive priority treatment.
5.) It really saves time and cost! Read the testimonials on
our website: