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Volunteer and stage coach at the Trails Center in Casper, Wyoming. Volunteers assist with the river crossing reenactment at the Trails Center in Casper, Wyoming. Volunteer at the Trails Center in Casper, Wyoming. The Inscription Wall in the Trails Center showcases exact replicas of emigrant names found along the trails. Volunteer with school children at the Trails Center in Casper, Wyoming.
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National Historic Trails Interpretive Center

How Can I Help?

There are many ways to assist in the mission of the National Historic Trails Interpretive Center (NHTIC), including volunteerism and education.


The NHTIC relies on volunteers to help educate visitors about the national historic trails and to help those visitors experience and enjoy the facility. Volunteer training is offered at least twice a year. Known as Trail Guides, the facility’s volunteers serve in several capacities:

  • Docents work in the exhibit areas. They often serve as educational guides, providing groups (especially visiting students) with tours of the facility. Docents work in one or more of the exhibit gallery areas providing information about the facility’s themes. They often operate the virtual river crossing experience and answer visitor questions about trail history.

  • Information Assistants greet NHTIC visitors in the Lobby and give an orientation to the facility. They provide background information about the NHTIC and explain how visitors can experience the facility. These volunteers may also provide information on other Casper amenities and attractions, lodging and dining information, and trail sites found in the Casper area.

  • Admissions Cashiers assist NHTIC staff at the Information Desk by taking admission fees and explaining the Center’s guidelines and policies. These volunteers may also provide visitors with an orientation to the facility and may be called upon to assist with Bookstore sales and inventory.

  • Bookstore Cashiers assist customers at the on-site interpretive media sales outlet (bookstore). The NHTIC has partnered with Rocky Mountain Nature Association in the operation of the bookstore, which, in addition to trail-related books, also sells maps, old-fashioned toys, educational wildlife puppets, postcards, and unique gift items.

The NHTIC’s maintains a strong volunteer program (approximately 45 individuals); new volunteers are sought each year. If you are interested in learning more about volunteer opportunities at the National Historic Trails Interpretive Center, please call 307-261-7787 or e-mail


Teachers and parents can effectively educate children about the importance of historic trails and public lands. The NHTIC offers educational materials which teach the importance of the emigrant trails. A visit to the facility and to the many historic sites in Wyoming and throughout the nation opens the door for enjoyable learning as well as positive recreational opportunities.

Visit the NHTIC Education web page for more information about educational tools and opportunities.

Tread Lightly

Public lands are vital to our country’s heritage. These lands belong to all American citizens and they are managed by federal agencies, such as BLM, National Park Service, and US Forest Service.

Eighteen million surface acres of public lands are administered in Wyoming by the BLM. Hundreds of miles of national historic trails are found on these lands. Public lands also offer a variety of recreation opportunities, including hiking, camping, fishing, hunting and wildlife watching. While enjoying your public lands heritage, be aware of historical and cultural resources and help preserve the inspirational beauty of these lands for the generations to come.

Remember the Tread Lightly principles:

  • Travel & recreate with minimum impact.
  • Respect the environment and the rights of others.
  • Educate yourself, plan, and prepare before you go.
  • Allow for future use of the outdoors, by leaving it better than you found it.
  • Discover the rewards of responsible recreation.

National Historic Trails Center Foundation

The National Historic Trails Interpretive Center is operated by the Bureau of Land Management in partnership with the non-profit National Historic Trails Center Foundation. The Foundation raised funds to construct the exhibits and continues to accept donations by which these exhibits are maintained. The Foundation is made up of an executive director and a governing Board of Directors. For more information on the National Historic Trails Center Foundation, visit the NHTIC History and Partnerships page or call 307-265-8030. Public lands are vital to our country’s heritage. These lands belong to all American citizens and they are managed by federal agencies, such as BLM, National Park Service, and US Forest Service.