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Buffalo Field Office


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Sage-grouse Management

Wildlife Coordination
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Wildlife Survey Protocols
The wide variety of vegetation coupled with relatively mild winters has resulted in abundant and diverse wildlife in the Buffalo Field Office area.  Common species in the area include pronghorn antelope, mule and white-tailed deer, elk, moose, wild turkey, sage-grouse, ring-necked pheasant, coyote, red fox, small mammals, eagles, hawks, and owls as well as numerous song birds.  Streams on public land in the south Big Horn Mountains support naturally reproducing populations of rainbow, brown, and brook trout. Numerous and diverse wildlife are an indicator of the health of the land and environment.

The economy of the region is enhanced by wildlife viewing, hunting and fishing.

Some of the issues facing BLM in protecting wildlife habitat include ensuring that energy exploration and production, recreation, and human development does not conflict with important wildlife habitat.  BLM is required by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the Endangered Species Act (ESA) to evaluate the effect of human activities on wildlife and threatened and endangered species.  BLM cooperates with other federal and state agencies as well as priviate conservation organizations and landowners to improve wildlife habitats through water and forage improvements, and protect wintering and birthing areas.

More information about wildlife species can be found at the Wyoming Game & Fish Department.