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BLM>New Mexico>Wild Horse & Burro Program>Wild Horse Adoption Incentive
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$500 Wild Horse Adoption Incentive Program

Get paid to adopt a wild horse? Yes!  Receive $500 when you adopt an adult wild horse from BLM.  The offer is designed to help defray the initial cost of keeping a horse. Payment is made after one year when you receive title to the animal.

This adoption incentive is being offered on a trial basis in the BLM-New Mexico region only (which also includes Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas). The idea behind the incentive is to increase the number of mature horses (4-10 years old) placed into private ownership through adoption. This, in turn, can reduce the number of older horses that BLM must care for -- at considerable taxpayer expense! -- in contracted pasture facilities. If successful, this program could reduce the pressure on BLM to sell or euthanize excess horses, and it could free up critical resources needed for on-the-range management.

Under this program, all standard adoption rules and fees apply (click here for details).  At the end of one year, simply return your title application (which you'll receive in the mail) along with your incentive voucher (which you'll receive when you adopt), and in a few weeks you'll receive title and a check for $500!  It's that simple!  The only additional requirement to receive payment is that a licensed veterinarian must attest to the animal's fitness on your completed title application.

If for some reason you must relinquish the animal within one year (that is, return it to BLM), the allowance cannot be paid. The same is true if the animal dies before title is issued.

A limited number of horses eligible for this incentive will be presented at each BLM adoption in the New Mexico region (click here for a complete adoption schedule). You can adopt up to four adult horses under this incentive program. Younger horses (under 4 years old), burros, and trained animals are not eligible for this incentive.

Help BLM preserve these "Living Legends"...Adopt!

Call 866-4-MUSTANGS (866-468-7826) for more details.

  Adult horses being offered for adoption by competitive bid.

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