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UMass/CMER Publications & Reports

Abend, A.G.; Smith, T.D. 1995. Differences in ratios of stable isotopes of nitrogen in long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas) in the western and eastern North Atlantic. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 52:837-841.

Arslan, Z.; Tyson, J.F. 1999. Determination of calcium, magnesium, and strontium in soils by flow injection flame atomic spectrometry. Talanta 50:929-937.

Arslan, Z.; Ertas, N.; Tyson, J.F.; Denoyer, E.R.; Uden, P.C. 2000. Determination of trace elements in marine plankton by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Fresenius' J. Anal. Chem. 366:273-282.

Athanas, R.P.; DeMoranville, C.; Bramlage, W.J.; Kelleher, S.D. 1993. Effects of fatty fish fertilizer on Northeast agricultural crops and the manufacture of proper liquid fish products. Univ. Mass. Environ. Inst. Tech. Memo. [No issue no.]; 24 p.

Averill, A.; DeMoranville, C.; Deubert, K.; Morzuch, B.; Edwards, S. 1991. Low input cranberry production: field demonstration and analysis. HortScience 26:479.

Blackwell, B.F.; Gries, G.; Juanes, F.; Friedland, K.; Stolte, L. 1998. A simulation of smolts exiting the Merrimack River: relative effects of fry to smolt survival, migration, and predation. N. Am. J. Fish. Manag. 18:31-45.

Blackwell, B.F.; Juanes, F. 1998. Predation on Atlantic salmon smolts by striped bass after dam passage. N. Am. J. Fish. Manag. 18:936-939.

Boreman, J. 1995. Why tag fish? Underw. Nat. 23(2):15-17.

Brady, S.; Boreman, J. 1994. Sea turtle distributions and documented fishery threats off the northeastern United States coast. In: Schroeder, B.A.; Witherington, B.E. Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, 23-27 February 1993, Jekyll Island, Georgia. NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFSC-341:31-33.

DeMoranville, C. 1992. Fish fertilizer: lessons for low input production. Cranberries 56(3):12-13.

Elci, l., Z. Arslan and J. F. Tyson. 2000. Flow injection solid phase extraction with Chromosorb 102: determination of lead in soil and waters by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Spectrochem. Acta part B, 55, 1109-1116.

Georgianna, D.; Cass, A. 1998. The cost of hook fishing for groundfish in northeastern United States. Unpublished report prepared for: National Marine Fisheries Service, Woods Hole, MA.

Grogan, C.S.; Boreman, J. 1998. Estimating the probability that historical populations of fish species are extirpated. N. Am. J. Fish. Manag. 18:522-529.

Gurleyuk, H., J. F. Tyson and P. C. Uden. 2000. Determination of extractable arsenic in soils using slurry sampling-on-line microwave extraction-hydride generation-atomic absorption spectrometry. Spectrochem. Acta part B, 55, 935-942.

Haley, N. 1998. A gastric lavage technique for characterizing diets of sturgeons. N. Am. J. Fish. Manag. 18:978-981.

Hanrahan, B. and F. Juanes. 2001. Estimating the number of fish in Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) schools using models derived from captive school observations. Fishery Bulletin 99: 420-431.

Hartling, R.C.; Kunkel, J.G. 1999. Developmental fate of the yolk protein lipovitellin in embryos and larvae of winter flounder, Pleuronectes americanus. J. Exp. Zool. 278:156-66.

Hartling, R.C.; Pereira, J.J.; Kunkel, J.G. 1997. Characterization of a heat-stable fraction of lipovitellin and development of an immunoassay for vitellogenin and yolk protein in winter flounder (Pleuronectes americanus). J. Exp. Zool. 278:156-66.

Jia, T.-D.; Kelleher, S.D.; Hultin, H.O.; Petillo, D.; Maney, R.; Krzynowek, J. 1996. Comparison of quality loss and changes in the glutathione antioxidant system in stored mackerel and bluefish muscle. J. Agr. Food Chem. 44:1195-1202.

Jury, S.H.; Kinnison, M.T.; Howell, W.H.; Watson, W.H. 1994. The effects of reduced salinity on lobster (Homarus americanus Milne-Edwards) metabolism: implications for estuarine populations. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 176:167-185.

Jury, S.H.; Kinnison, M.T.; Howell, W.H.; Watson, W.H. 1994. The behavior of lobsters in response to reduced salinity. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 180:23-37.

Lambert, M.C. 1998. A regime shift in the Northwest Atlantic? EOS (AGU/ASLO) 79:48.

Levin, R.E. 1991. Paralytic shellfish toxins: their origin, characteristics and methods of detection -- a review. J. Food. Biochem. 15:405-417.

Levin, R.E. 1992. Development of a tropical fish assay for saxitoxin. J. Food Prot. 13:1-5.

Nelson, G.A.; Ross, M.R. 1991. Biology and population changes of northern sand lance (Ammodytes dubius) from the Gulf of Maine to the Middle Atlantic Bight. J. Northwest Atl. Fish. Sci. 11:11-27.

Nelson, G.D.; Ross, M.R. 1995. Gastric evacuation in little skate. J. Fish Biol. 46:977-986.

Pelster, B.; Bemis, W.E. 1991. Ontogeny of heart function in the little skate Raja erinacea. J. Exp. Biol. 156:387-398.

Ross, M.R.; Hokenson, S.R. 1997. Short-term mortality of discarded finfish bycatch in the Gulf of Maine northern shrimp fishery. N. Am. J. Fish. Manag. 17:902-909.

Rothschild, B.J.; Sharov, A.F.; Kearsley, A.J.; Bondarenko, A.S. 1997. Estimating growth and mortality in stage-structured populations. J. Plankton Res. 19:1913-1928.

Scharf, F.; Buckel, J.A.; Juanes, F.; Conover, D.O. 1997. Estimating piscine prey size from partial remains: testing for shifts in foraging mode by bluefish. Environ. Biol. Fishes 49:377-388.

Scharf, F.; Buckel, J.A.; Juanes, F.; Conover, D.O. 1998. The influence of body size on predator mode choice and prey profitability in juvenile bluefish in the Hudson River. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 55:1695-1703.

Scharf, F., F. Juanes, and R. Rountree. 2000. Predator size - prey size relationships of marine fish predators: interspecific variation and the effects of ontogeny and body size on trophic niche breadth. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 208:229-248.

Scharf, F.; Juanes, F.; Sutherland, M. 1998. Inferring ecological relationships from the edges of scatter diagrams: a comparison of regression techniques. Ecology 79:448-460.

Scharf, F.; Yetter, R.; Summers, A.; Juanes, F. 1998. Enhancing diet analyses of piscivorous fishes in the Northwest Atlantic through identification and reconstruction of original prey sizes from ingested remains. Fish. Bull. (U.S.) 96:575-588.

Sprankle, K.;Boreman, J.; Hestbeck, J.B. 1996. Loss rates for dorsal loop and internal anchor tags applied to striped bass. N. Am. J. Fish. Manag. 16:461-464.

Wagner, S.; Bisagni, J. 1999. Correlation between the spatial and temporal variability of a tidal mixing front and distribution of the North Atlantic right whale, Eubalaena glacialis, in the Great South Channel, Gulf of Maine. EOS (AGU/ASLO) 80(49, suppl.):223.

Weis, S.A.; Bramlage, W.J. 1992. Using fish waste hydrolysates as a fertilizer for apples and blueberries. Fruit Notes 57(3):15-19.