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Emile Berliner The Gramophone The Berliner Recordings Family Tree

1851Birth of Emile Berliner in Hanover, Germany, on May 20.
1865Year of his last formal schooling.
1870Emigrated to Washington, D.C. Spent three years working in the dry-goods store Gotteilf, Behrend and Co.
1875Worked as a cleanup man in laboratory of Constantine Fahlberg in New York City. Became interested in laboratory experimentation.
1876Invented the loose-contact telephone transmitter. Began to work for American Bell Telephone Company.
1881Married Cora Adler. Became an American citizen.
1886Began work on the gramophone.
1887First gramophone patent.
1888Successful lecture-demonstration at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. Began to produce experimental discs stamped out in celluloid, then in hard rubber.
1889Went to Germany to demonstrate gramophone and while there made agreement with toy firm of Kammerer and Reinhardt for the production of little toy discs and hand-turned players.
1890First lateral-cut disc records produced in Germany, but on a small basis.
1893Formation of the United States Gramophone Company of Washington, D.C., to enter the commercial market.
1894United States Gramophone Company began business in the D.C. area.
1895Establishment of the Berliner Gramophone Company of Philadelphia. First discs from Duranoid.
1896Establishment of the National Gramophone Company of New York. Eldridge R. Johnson's machine shop in Camden, New Jersey, became the main supplier of gramophone playback machines.
1897Dispatch of William Barry Owen to England. Loss of Washington laboratory in powerhouse fire.
1898Formation of the Berliner Gramophone Company of London. Beginning of expansion into Europe. Appearance of first illegal competitor.
1899Appearance of illegal competitors Vitaphone and Zonophone. Berliner composed "Columbian Anthem."
1900Court injunction in June effectively shut down Berliner's business. He turned over his patent rights to Eldridge R. Johnson of Camden, New Jersey.
1906Berliner began work on helicopter.
1909Berliner's helicopter lifted two men from the ground. New building at the Starmont Tuberculosis Sanitarium dedicated to Berliner's father.
1913Berliner awarded the Elliott Cresson Medal by the Franklin Institute. He obtained a patent for a revolving cylinder motor.
1919Berliner very active in field of health and hygiene. Took part in production of book Muddy Jim, for which he wrote all the rhymes. Devoted much time during this period to the Zionist cause.
1924Bureau of Health Education established in new building built by Berliner.
1926Development of the acoustic tile.
1929Death of Emile Berliner on August 3 at the age of 78.

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