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Atlantic Striped Bass

Black Sea Bass





Queen Conch







Atlantic Herring











Pacific Sardine

Atlantic Sea Scallop











Pacific Whiting


Are you seafood savvy?

FishWatch - U.S. Seafood FactsFishWatch can help you make informed decisions about the seafood you eat by providing the most accurate and up-to-date information on seafood available in the U.S. FishWatch is brought to you by NOAA Fisheries Service, the U.S. authority on marine fisheries science, conservation, and management.

What is sustainable seafood?

Seafood is sustainable when the population of that species of fish is managed in a way that provides for today’s needs without damaging the ability of the species to reproduce and be available for future generations. If you buy fish managed under a U.S. fishery management plan, you can be assured it meets 10 national standards that ensure fish stocks are maintained, overfishing is eliminated, and the long-term socioeconomic benefits to the nation are achieved.


Seafood and Your Health

Seafood and Your HealthThe connection between seafood and health is undeniable, yet information available to consumers can be confusing and is often conflicting. NOAA Fisheries Service has an obligation to help make information about seafood products more accessible to the general public. Consumers want to know if fish and other seafood are healthy and safe to eat and feed to their families. >> read more


Profiles In Fishing

Meet Megan Westmeyer
Sustainable Seafood Initiative Coordinator, South Carolina Aquarium

Megan Westmeyer, Sustainable Seafood Initiative Coordinator, South Carolina Aquarium

What does the word "sustainable" mean to you?

Sustainable means that we use our natural resources in such a way that those resources will still be available for future generations. By our mere presence on the earth, our population has an impact on the environment. As responsible stewards of the earth I believe we have an obligation to minimize that impact.
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Profiles In Fishing

Meet Kathi Lefebvre
NOAA Fisheries Scientist

Kathi Lefebvre, NOAA Fisheries Scientist

What does the word "sustainable" mean to you?

In terms of fisheries management, sustainability means utilizing the ocean's natural resources in a way that protects the environment and maintains healthy productive marine communities. In order for fisheries to be sustainable, we must balance our resource use with the natural productivity of the marine ecosystem. Simply put, we cannot take more from the system than can be naturally replenished and our activities must promote the continued health of the marine environment.
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Profiles In Fishing

Meet Monty Berg
Supervisory Consumer Safety Officer, NOAA

Monty Berg, Supervisory Consumer Safety Officer, NOAA

What does the word "sustainable" mean to you?

As an inspector of fishery products, to me sustainable means the restoration of species that we have seen in decline for many years. During my career of 31 years, I have observed the decline of the resources available to the public at a level that has been quite disturbing. >> read more

Profiles In Fishing

Meet Dawn Martin
President, SeaWeb

Dawn Martin, President, SeaWeb

What does the word "sustainable" mean to you?

To paraphrase Aldo Leopold, sustainable means taking resources from the environment only if it does not disturb the "integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community," and doing so in such a way that our world can naturally replenish itself. All that this planet has to offer has to be maintained to ensure a healthy environment for generations to come. >> read more

Profiles In Fishing

Meet Susan Spicer
Chef, Bayona Restaurant, New Orleans, Louisiana

Susan Spicer, Chef, Bayona Restaurant, New Orleans, Louisiana

What does the word "sustainable" mean to you?

Sustainability is being far-sighted, with minimal impact on the world's resources - i.e. avoiding overfishing, catching smaller and smaller fish, or farming fish in a way that negatively affects their surroundings and/or wild counterparts (or other wildlife - or humans). >> read more

Profiles In Fishing

Meet Bob Rheault
Aquaculturist and President of East Coast Shellfish Growers

Bob Rheault, Aquaculturist and President of East Coast Shellfish Growers

What does the word "sustainable" mean to you?

To me producing "sustainably" means being able to do what I do (farm oysters) knowing that I am not impairing the ability of future generations to enjoy a clean and healthy marine environment. >> read more

Profiles In Fishing

Meet Timothy W. Thomas
Fishing Master - F/T Northern Jaeger

Timothy W. Thomas, Fishing Master - F/T <em>Northern Jaeger</em>

What does the word "sustainable" mean to you?

Sustainable means ongoing healthy resources and habitat for generation after generation. A commitment to sustainability will guarantee to the best of our abilities the opportunity for all coastal communities to continue a legacy of a life in balance with our oceans. >> read more

Profiles In Fishing

Meet Larry Jennings
Recreational Angler

Larry Jennings, Recreational Angler

What does the word "sustainable" mean to you?

On the surface, it's simply harvesting no more fish than that particular species can replace when it next spawns. >> read more

Profiles In Fishing

Meet Sam King
Chief Executive Officer of King’s Seafood Company

Meet Sam King, Chief Executive Officer of King’s Seafood Company

What does the word "sustainable" mean to you?

The concept of sustainability is at risk of turning from "green" to beige: becoming bland and all things for all people. Everybody wants it, whatever "it" may be. "Natural"? "Organic"? "Nice." In its simplest sense, the word "sustainable" describes a practice or policy that maintains the conditions on which it depends. >> read more


Seafood News

8/20/09 - Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke Approves Fisheries Plan for Arctic (PDF)

8/19/09 - Louisiana shrimpers blame imports for prices This link is an external site

8/19/09 - Seafood corner: Featured fish of the week — cobia This link is an external site

8/18/09 - Giant Robotic Cages to Roam Seas as Future Fish Farms? This link is an external site

8/18/09 - Young scallop numbers are rising This link is an external site

8/16/09 - Tuna Processors Commit to Certified Catches This link is an external site

8/14/09 - Fish info for pregnant, nursing women available on iPhone apps This link is an external site

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