Earth Day 2009
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Earth Day Kids Poster Contest Winners
The theme for this year was

Help Save the Earth, Remember to . . .

First Place Pre-K/Kindergarten
Abigail Simmons (Neil and Rose Simmons - Price)
Abigail Simmons Earth Day Poster

Second Place Pre-K/Kindergarten:
Connor Kilpack (Travis Kilpack - State Office)
Connor Kilpack Earth Day Poster

First Place First Grade:
Aidan Keating (Brian Keating - Moab)
Parker Stevens Earth Day Poster

Second Place First Grade:
J.C. Hite (Christopher Hite - Cedar City)
 Aidan Keating Earth Day Poster

First Place Second Grade:
Josiah McCarthy (Joelle McCarthy - Fillmore)
Mary Hite Earth Day Poster

First Place Third Grade:
Brynn Poulsen (Brad Washa - State Office)
J.C. Hite Earth Day Poster

First Place Fourth Grade:
Kestrel McCarthy (Joelle McCarthy - Fillmore)
Josiah McCarthy Earth Day Poster

Second Place Fourth Grade:
Riley Jeppesen (Dave Jeppsen - State Office)
Brynn Poulsen Earth Day Poster

Third Place Fourth Grade:
Parker Stevens (Clara Stevens - Fillmore)
Riley Jeppesen Earth Day Poster

First Place Sixth Grade:
Mary Hite (Christopher Hite -  Cedar City)
Riley Jeppesen

Second Place- Sixth Grade
Sharee Wood (Jack Wood, Price)
Sharee Wood Earth Day Poster Contest

Last updated: 04-23-2009